
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Call for Submissions: "Getting Better" Banner Art

Any artists in the house? One of my publishers put this call out. GREAT cause:

Each year, Torquere Press authors donate stories for a Charity Sip Blitz that is published in September. 100% of author royalties are donated to a designated charity, and a matching donation is made by the publishers. This year, the Torquere authors are looking for an artist to donate a banner for the official Charity Sip Blitz page, and a companion graphic for participating authors to post on their blogs and journals.

The beneficiary of the 2011 Charity Sip Blitz is the It Gets Better Project. Artwork should have the year, 2011, the phrase "Getting Better," and the phrase "Charity Sip Blitz" clearly legible. Banner size should be 456 by 60, in .jpg format. We encourage designs that fit the general themes of the Torquere Press web site and catalog . The author participation graphic should be derived from the banner design and submitted in a 200 by 200 size, also in .jpg format. Please keep in mind that authors may choose to use the participation graphic as an icon, and thus may resize the graphic to 100 by 100. Clarity is important.

The artist whose work is selected will be asked to sign a one-year agreement donating exclusive use of the design, and certifying that the artist either owns the rights to all images used in the design, or that the images are copyright-free. The artist is encouraged to sign the banner as part of the design, and in addition, Torquere Press will place a link to the artist's web site on the page where the banner is displayed.

Deadline for submission is July 15, 2011. Please submit your artwork in .jpg format, along with your biography and web contact info, to with "Charity Sip Art" in the subject line.

Last year, 28 authors from around the world participated in the Charity Sip Blitz, and we're aiming even higher this year. This is a great opportunity to bring your work to the attention of a global GLBT romance audience!

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