
Friday, March 14, 2014

LIKE IT’S 1999: Diary of a Teenager in Love with a Teacher

If you're an author, you know the anxiety and exhilaration that go along with a release day.  Well, what if your book wasn't fiction?  What if you were exposing yourself in a way you'd never done before... by publishing your teenaged diary?

Well, if you've visited Donuts and Desires much over the past month, you're probably aware that today's new release, LIKE IT’S 1999: Diary of a Teenager in Love with a Teacher is just that: my actual diary from when I was 18 years old and, as the title suggests, in love with a teacher.

Many of you have told me how excited you are to read my journal, because you're all a bunch of emotional voyeurs, but, hey, have at it!  That's what it's there for. Be warned, though, if you're a fan of my erotic fiction: this is NOT that. It's not a sex diary. In fact, there is no explicit content... certainly not in an "erotica" sense.

I've changed the names of every player (my New Year's resolution was to name all my characters after Toronto subway stations, but I used up pretty much every one on this book), so don't go lynch-mobbing some guy named Lawrence West.  That's a subway station, not a person.  In fact, it was Sweet who convinced me to name the teacher "character" Lawrence. The married man in my Audrey and Lawrence series was also based on him. I thought I'd be be original and call him Wilson, but then you'd just be picturing a volleyball the whole time, so I guess it's just as well.

Okay, enough talk, Giselle.  Get to the good stuff.

Here's the book description:
True confessions of a real-life high school student on the cusp of a new millennium.

On the eve of the year 2000, high school student Giselle struggles with spirituality, ambiguous friendships, a family dealing with the aftermath of substance abuse, and deepening feelings of attraction toward her English teacher, a married man more than twice her age. Over the course of one school year, she shifts from seeing Lawrence as a father figure to falling obsessively in love. Is Giselle making a total fool of herself, or will her teacher return her affection? Having an affair with a student would easily cost Lawrence his career, his wife, and his kids, not to mention his sanity. Will a by-the-books teacher sacrifice everything to indulge Giselle’s teenage crush?

LIKE IT’S 1999 is the actual, unabridged, honest-to-god diary of a teenager in love with her teacher.

I may be a little biased, but I really think you should buy a copy. I recommend the paperback, but the e-book is a really reasonable price, so the choice is yours.  Plenty of places to find both:

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