
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

October's Printacular Bookiness

Every month I post about the bestselling print books in my catalog and October surprised me greatly. The clear winner was My Mistress' Thighs, which is an anthology of transgender erotic fiction and poetry. The surprising bit is that it's not a new book (in fact, it's in its second edition) and it's never been a super-strong seller. But, yeah, in October it just took off. The paperback vastly outsold the rest of my books in print. Way to go, My Mistress' Thighs!

Erotic Transgender Fiction and Poetry
Rainbow Awards Honourable Mention

A cross-dressing cowboy, a post-war pin-up, and a wolf in grandmother's clothing all find a special home in My Mistress' Thighs.

This collection of erotic trans and genderqueer fiction makes room for everyone. There's a secret solstice sacrifice, a case of spring fever, an online romance, and a Wednesday night dinner routine that's anything but dull.

From the timid closet dresser of Love in the Time of Instant Messenger to the post-op rodeo queen of Leslie Goosemoon Rides Again, all who seek love find it in the world of Giselle Renarde Erotica. 

Available from a bunch of places (if you like buying paperbacks from your local bookstore, you can always ask them to order a copy).

I'll throw in some honourable mentions for October, because why not? Other popular titles included: Giselle's Big Box of BDSM, Forbidden Folk, Cherry, and Like It's 1999: Diary of a Teenager in Love with a Teacher.

Congratulations, books, on being bought!

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