
Sunday, December 18, 2022

Have A Poly Jolly Christmas with this #Spicy #Holiday #Romance!

This book not only has a new cover, but a new name. 

It was originally published in 2010 as ALL THE WAY. I really wanted a title that shouted "threesome!" from the rooftops, but nothing came to mind immediately.  Then, last week, my partner and I went to a neighbourhood carol-singing thingy in a nearby park. The first song on the roster was Holly Jolly Christmas. 

As I was falling asleep that night, it came to me: Poly Jolly Christmas! Perfect!

Finding the right cover image was another story. I spent days looking for the right stock photo.  I looked at a ton of Christmas-themed vectors too, because that look is very popular in romance and rom-com covers right now. But nothing.

The characters in this book are a Black woman, white man, and Asian man. I didn't even try looking for an image with that combination of individuals, because I figured I'd never find it. I thought I'd go with something subtly representative of the number three that also had to do with Christmas.

I spent hours looking at stock photos on Sunday. I was about to give up when the word "throuple" popped into my head--like couple, but three. So I searched that on a stock photo site where I have a lot of credits and only ONE image came up in the search results.

It was PERFECT. Kismet. I added some holly to make it Christmassy, and voila!

When Josie invites her high school sweetheart Kaz to stay over for the holidays, there are a few things she doesn't anticipate: Kaz admitting he's never been with a woman after all these years? That's a surprise. Her husband Rob's attempt to give Kaz a little training in the hot tub? A very sexy surprise! But after the married couple treats Kaz to the best nights of his life, who will he end up with when the holidays are through?

Previously published as “All the Way.”

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