I've been toying with the idea of offering ad space here at Donuts and Desires for years, and every time I've thought about it I've ended up talking myself out of it. Why? Well, when I was a "young" author ("new" author might be a better way of putting it) I was always on the lookout for free promotional opportunities. Heck, I still am. That's why I've been committed to providing free promo ops to other authors for as long as I've had this blog.
Here's the thing: I've been listening in on a lot of back room chats among authors like myself, and what I've gleaned in recent months is that authors are looking for affordable ad space at blogs readers AND other authors frequent (like this one).
Promo opportunities, like my Quick Six interviews, my holiday "Festive Frenzy" and the various LGBTQ-oriented promotional possibilities I make available throughout the year are fun, BUT... authors want more--banner ads, static cover ads, image-oriented advertising that stays up on a blog for months at a time.
So this time when I rolled the idea of offering ad space at Donuts and Desires around in my brain, I decided not to talk myself out of it.
That's right, starting now I'm opening up AFFORDABLE ad space at Donuts and Desires.
What's available?
At the moment, we've got 3 options:
Cover Ads
Your cover ad will appear on the sidebar at Donuts and Desires--ABOVE my own book covers on the first row and ABOVE my antho covers on the second! (You're just that special!) The ad will consist of your book cover linked to a destination url of your choice as well as the title spelled out above and a descriptor of 8 words or fewer below, if desired.
Cover Ads Pricing:
One Month: $5 US or Canadian Currency or £3.25 GBP (yes, I can accept payment in 3 currencies--awesome, right?)
Six Months: $25 US or Canadian Currency or £16 GBP
Bottom Banner Ads
Look down... look waaaaay down! Donuts and Desires now offers the option of placing your banner, whether it be for your book, your website, your blog, your llama farm (actually, let's just stick to books and related services LOL) at the base of all site pages. You can send me the html or the image with a destination url--whatever works for you.
Banner Ads Pricing:
Twelve Months (a.k.a One Year): $25 US or Canadian Currency or £16 GBP (That's an amazing deal!)
Ad placements may be limited and prices are subject to change, so act fast to secure your spot. Payments can be accepted via PayPal only.
Quick Six Interviews
You know I've got to offer up a freebie, right? Quick Six interviews are featured on Mondays at D&D. Just answer six of the following questions (I repeat, SIX, not five, not ten, but SIX) and send 'em IN THE BODY OF YOUR EMAIL to the address below. At the bottom of the post I will also feature your author blurb and websites--so you'll have to send those along as well. No attachments, please.
It's free, so take advantage!
Quick Six PRO
Interview with _______________
Q: What's hot on the market these days?
Q: What's the most time-consuming part of a writer's life?
Q: On the topic of ebook piracy, hunter or head in the sand?
Q: What should a writer's priority be?
Q: How do you handle a bad review?
Q: Have you ever encountered any unprofessional behaviours from editors,
publishers or other writers, that they might not even realize are damaging?
Q: What advice do you give aspiring authors?
Q: What do you look for in a publisher?
Q: What makes an editor great or...not so great?
Q: Do you have a preference for short stories of longer works?
Q: If you've ventured into self-publishing, what are the pros and cons?
Q: Do you find yourself writing for the market and not for YOU, or self-censoring in any way?
Q: How have the people in your life reacted to your career as a writer?
Q: Any promo tips for fellow authors?
Contact Info
Questions? Want to book ad space? Cool! Email me at:
(please use only the above address for inquiries~thanks)
Ok, that's it for now. If I've left out any pertinent information please let me know.
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