Sunday, December 30, 2012

Call for Submissions: True Sex Essay Anthology

Reposted with permission from Lusty Lady:

True sex essay anthology deadline extended to January 6th (earlier submissions get priority)

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so though I had so hoped to be done with this anthology by tomorrow, I'm still one third short on my word count. That means I'd love it if you'd spread the word (either en masse or to someone you know who has an amazing sex story they might want to share in writing). I do NOT need any stories about sex work, but I would love an essay by an asexual person and I'd also love an essay by a transgender person (essays don't have to necessarily be "about" those topics). Those are just two potential ideas on my editorial dream wishlist. The truth is, the essay I'm looking for is the one I don't yet know exists but that keeps me riveted, awed, amazed, and sure that my readers will be too. In other words, I'll know it when I see it.

Queries or questions? Email me at truesexantho at - earlier submissions get priority and I'll be filling the anthology as I go. I will consider anything that comes in by December 6th, there will just be fewer spots available by then most likely. If you are waiting to hear back from me, I will get back to you as soon as I can, by the end of January at the latest. I have wanted to do this book since I first started hosted True Sex Confessions nights in 2006 at In The Flesh. If you want to know the type of essay I love, read "Silver Baling" by Stacey D'Erasmo in Best Sex Writing 2009 and "It's a Shame About Ray" by Kirk Read in Best Sex Writing 2010 (or any personal essay I've published in Best Sex Writing 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013. I hope it's not just a dream that never sees the light of day, and I have a feeling that this will be a wonderful book. Thanks!

Call for Submissions
True Sex essay anthology
Edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel
To be published by Cleis Press

Editor Rachel Kramer Bussel is looking for true (nonfiction) essays about your most powerful sexual experiences. The final book will feature a wide range of scenarios, settings, writing styles, ages, races, genders and sexual orientations. These should not be academic in tone or about theory, though there can be a political or serious element; I’m mainly looking for extremely personal, one of a kind essays focused around compelling sexual events in your life. I’m looking for your hottest sex, or the worst sex, or the kinkiest, or the funniest, or the meanest, or the most unexpected. Sex with a celebrity? Sex with someone forbidden? Sex you’ve never told anyone about? Sex on vacation you wouldn't have had at home? Sex on drugs? Group sex? Sex on camera? Sex you paid for or were paid for? Sex that surprised or confused you? Sex that changed your life? I want the story that most speaks to you about your sex life, either as a defining moment or simply one you’ve never been able to forget. No poetry. First or second person POV welcome. See the Best Sex Writing series and videos of true sex confessions from my former In The Flesh Reading Series for an idea of the types of essays I’m looking for. Please keep in mind that the more original and unique your essay, the better its chances. I want the story that only you can write told in a lively, compelling, can't-put-down way. Original essays will get priority, but I will consider reprints as long as you retain the rights; you MUST include the previous publication information with your submission.

Payment: Contributors will receive $100/essay and 2 copies of the anthology on publication. Contract is for one-time rights.

How to submit: Send only the final version of your proofread work along with your bio and mailing address. Include essay title and byline at top of first page. Send double spaced Times or Times New Roman 12 point black font Word document OR RTF of 1,500-3,500 word essay. Indent the first line of each paragraph half an inch and double space (regular double spacing, do not add extra lines between paragraphs or do any other irregular spacing). US grammar (double quotation marks around dialogue, etc.) required. Include your legal name (and pseudonym if applicable), mailing address, and 50 word or less bio in the third person to If you are using a pseudonym, please provide your real name and pseudonym and make it clear which one you’d like to be credited as. Cleis Press has final approval over the manuscript so you can expect a final answer by April 2013.

Deadline: January 6, 2012 (earlier submissions get priority)

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Political is Personal #IdleNoMore

Until now, I've been quiet about my heartfelt alliance with the Idle No More movement.

For those worldwide readers who may not be aware of the goings-on in Canada, I won't paraphrase.  Instead, here's a quote from the mission statement from the Idle No More website:

Idle No More calls on all people to join in a revolution which honors and fulfills Indigenous sovereignty which protects the land and water. Colonization continues through attacks to Indigenous rights and damage to the land and water. We must repair these violations, live the spirit and intent of the treaty relationship, work towards justice in action, and protect Mother Earth.

As you may or may not know, Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence is well into a hunger strike our Prime Minister Stephen Harper has chosen to ignore. All she's asking is to meet with the PM, the governor general (who acts as the Queen's representative here in Canada), and Ontario's Premier, to discuss Aboriginals affairs, treaty matters, and environmental issues.

They are ignoring her requests for a meeting.

There are others around the country who are now fasting in solidarity, including 10 women in Regina, who began their hunger strike yesterday and will fast, I believe, until December 31st.

Today I'm joining those women, fasting in alliance and solidarity with the Idle No More movement. (Hello from Toronto!)

I actually didn't want to blog about this matter. I just wanted to do it.  The only person I'd planned on telling was my girlfriend, who expressed her full support for the cause, but worries about my health.  To be honest, I've been suffering blood loss and anemia lately due to a medical concern.  Not eating probably isn't the best idea, but this is something I need to do, personally.

The reason I'm telling you about it is that my personal reasons for the fast are intensely political, so if I don't come out and explain what I'm doing and why, it has no political bearing beyond my own mind.

Stephen Harper does not speak for me.  I never voted for him, and his weighty silence does not carry my voice.  I stand in solidarity and alliance with the Idle No More movement, and I urge the Prime Minister, Premier, and Governor General to meet with Chief Theresa.

That's my voice.  I'm speaking with my hunger.


Friday, December 21, 2012

New Vampire Anthology! Coming Together: In Vein

Is something missing from your holiday season?

Did you say yes?

Did you say VAMPIRES?

Good.  Let's proceed.

An amazing new anthology just hit the market.  Coming Together: In Vein is full of vampire stories by some of the best erotic writers in the business. And me. (Is that joke getting old?)

And the best part?  All proceeds from the sales of Coming Together: In Vein go to Médecins Sans Frontières.  I submitted my lesbian knife play story "Cat" (which appears in Best Lesbian Erotica 2012 as "Blood Lust") so long ago I'd completely forgotten which organization would benefit from this particular collection.

As a Canadian, MSF (Doctors Without Borders) is particularly close to my heart. They do amazing work all around the world, and when you buy Coming Together: In Vein, not only do you support this valiant organization, but you get to read an amazing erotic anthology!

Do you love the undead? Coming Together: In Vein features the crème de la crème of vampire-themed erotica and erotic romance.

Buy Now from All Romance:
or in print from Amazon:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Festive Frenzy ~ A Mistress' Christmas

Title: A Mistress' Christmas
Author: Giselle Renarde
Genre: Adultery Erotica/Flash Fiction


As a career-Mistress, Giselle knows very well how hard it is to find a good Christmas gift for a married man. She can't buy him anything meaningful—where would he put it? Besides, she isn’t even sure how much Winston really cares about her. He doesn't seem terribly invested in their relationship. Just when Giselle convinces herself finding him a gift of consequence isn't worth worrying about, Winston surprises her with a Christmas present both magnificent and heart-felt.

Buy Link:

Brand New FREE Christmas Story, and a challenge...

Despite the 4 million items on my To Do list, I couldn't resist the writing challenge Sommer Marsden posted on her blog today. Read about it here:

In short, she dares writers to create a story that incorporates the following words:

tinsel, balls, carpet, fuzzy, wind, firetruck

So here's mine.  I'm revisiting my roots in this one.  I have a secret love of unhappy endings.  Oops... maybe I've said too much.  Oh well, it's a very short story. Check it out:
Christmas Cat Toy
by Giselle Renarde
“So… why are you doing this?” he asked as I hung strands of tinsel over his naked cock.

“Oh, baby.”  I smiled up at him.  “You’ll see.”

I’d undressed Kurt methodically, building suspense.  He was already rock hard by the time I’d slipped his pyjama pants down his muscular thighs.  His erection begged to be sucked.  I licked my lips as his cockhead pumped out sweet pearls of precum.  Part of me wanted to just damn well do it, but I was a man with a plan.  Well, a woman with a plan.

“Do you think it needs more tinsel?” I asked, tracing my fingers through the fuzzy ginger hair on his balls.

He hissed and stood up perfectly straight.  “I don’t know, hon.  I guess so.”

I cupped his balls gently, and then I squeezed.  I wasn’t so gentle with the squeezing.  He arched abruptly, then stumbled until his back me the wall.  The carpet burned my knees as I followed, but I refused to release my hold on him.

“God, you’re killing me,” he whimpered.  The strain in his voice made me grin.  “I’m gonna come so fast when you swallow my dick.”

I chuckled without meaning to.  “Oh yeah?”

“Oh yeah…”

Letting go of his balls, I reached back to the Christmas tree.  I needed something with a bell on it… something with a bell… ah!  The little golden firetruck.  It jingled when you shook it.  Perfect.

The ornament hooks we used were wire coated with soft green plastic.  I strung a few together like a festive daisy chain, then circled it around Kurt’s thick erection.  He moaned, though I’d barely touched him.  Maybe the weight of the firetruck was enough to get him excited.

“That looks just about perfect,” I said, sitting back to admire my handiwork.

“Perfect… for what?”  He waggled his eyebrows.  I knew what he was expecting.

He wasn’t going to get it.

Leaning forward, I blew on my creation.  The hanging tinsel waved in the warm wind of my breath, and the firetruck jingled just a little.

Kurt groaned, and then laughed.  “Hey, that got the cats’ attention.”

I turned to see four little cats’ eyes peeking through the slats in the plastic room divider we’d put up to keep our pussies away from the tree.  They were certainly interested.

“Let’s talk about this book.”  I plucked up the paperback Kurt had given me for Christmas.

“Yeah, okay.”  He was starting to look nervous now.  Good.  “Sommer Marsden—you like her, right?”

“Oh, I do.  She’s my favourite author.”

I looked at him expectantly, but he didn’t seem to get it.  He just said, “I hope you haven’t read it already.”

“Oh, but I have read it, baby.”

He was sweating.  Actually sweating!  “That’s too bad.”

“Yeah.”  I opened up the front cover and showed him the inscription.  “See, here’s the thing: this is the book I gave you last year.  See?  These characters reminded me so much of us. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Merry Christmas, blah blah blah.  I wrote that. Last Christmas.  You regifted my present right back to me.  Smooth move.”

Kurt usually had an excuse for everything, but now his mouth moved silently, open and closed like a goldfish.
Rising from beneath the tree, I walked over to the room divider and flipped the safety latch.  The cats were sharpening their claws, their eyes fixed on Kurt’s jingling crotch.

“Any last words?” I asked.

“I… it was… I guess…”  He started backing away along the wall, but that just made matters worse.  His cock tinsel shimmered against the Christmas tree lights.  The cats’ pupils were dilated to the max. They were ready to pounce.

Kurt could never just say I’m sorry.  So I opened the gate, and the cats sprung into action…

The End

Who ever said Christmas stories had to be happy?

Now, there's still time to participate in Sommer's writing challenge. Go here for info:

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Evernight Holiday Blog Hop

Welcome to the Evernight Holiday Blog Hop!
We love the holidays, we love making our readers happy and we love giving away swag. What better way to do that than to hold a blog hop?

Here's how it works... the more blogs you hop to (shown below) the more chance you have of winning prizes. Each site on the hop is offering a prize and Evernight is offering an iPad 2 as the grand prize! To be in with a chance of winning the site prize simply follow the blog you're visiting and leave a comment which includes your email address. Each entry on each blog is then counted towards the grand prize draw. The more entries you have, the better your chance of winning that iPad 2! You also get extra points for liking the Evernight Facebook page!/evernightpublishing. Just make sure you let us know in the comments that you've done so.
Happy hopping!

I happen to love Evernight's anthologies, and I'd like to highlight a couple of KINKY Christmas collections my work appears in.

Vanilla-Free Christmas ~ contains my MMF menage story "Three in a Tub:"
This Christmas, Cathy's elderly mother is coming to stay... and staying forever. Cathy's not delighted that her mother is moving in. How is she going to hide her romantic relationship with Jeremy, the young tenant in her basement suite? In preparation of her mother's arrival, Cathy brings in sexy Vance to install a new bathtub that will be easy for her mother to use. She never imagined Jeremy and Vance would team up to give her the gift of a lifetime!

And my story's only one of NINE in this 70,000-word anthology.

If you're interested, get your copy today from Evernight Publishing:

Or All Romance:

Vanilla-Free Christmas: Manlove Edition ~ contains my romantic comedy "Enough About Earl:"
This Christmas, good will isn’t all these sexy men are going to get…

Ménage loving and chance encounters will make the holidays merry and bright and hot enough to keep out the cold. From a romp in Santa’s candy house to a dinner party where chains and collars are required attire, Christmas for these naughty men is going to be anything but vanilla.

Be Warned: m/m sex, m/m/m ménage sex, BDSM, sex toys, rimming

~5 Author Kink Anthology~
Boughs of Love by Rebecca Brochu
Dressed for Dinner by Pelaam
Tied with a Bow by Nicola Cameron
Enough About Earl by Giselle Renarde
The Christmas Cookies by Troy Storm  

Even though this antho isn't all about the cutesy, "Enough About Earl" is actually kind of an adorable romantic comedy:

Cam is sick of hearing about Earl, Earl, Earl from his best friend Jodee. Jodee talks about this coworker so often Cam wonders if she's about to dump him for another gay BFF. When they arrive at her office Christmas party, he finally gets to meet this Earl he's heard so much about, and he's surprised that, actually, Earl's not to bad. Who'd have thought two rivals for Jodee's friendship would end up gettin' it on right there at the office party?

Vanilla-Free Christmas: Manlove Edition is now available from Evernight Publishing:

All Romance:

You know what I just realized? I still have one e-copy each of two friends-to-lovers anthologies published by Evernight that I can give away.  One is Lover Unexpected: Manlove Edition, and the other is Lover Unexpected: Sappho Edition.  If you'd like to win one of these two collections, mention the title in your comment.

Happy Holidays!
Giselle Renarde

Festive Frenzy ~ Nobody Gets Lucky

Title: Nobody Gets Lucky
By Giselle Renarde
Genre: Mainstream Lesbian Fiction

When Justine brings Lucky home for Christmas, the family isn’t shy in expressing their dislike of the quirky, single mother. Even Grandma’s taking pot shots at Lucky all through dinner! Sure, Lucky’s tattoos and tight clothes make her an easy target in Mother’s prim and proper dining room, but there’s so much the family doesn’t understand about the woman Justine loves. When they do find out more about Lucky’s past, will they be willing to accept her at all, or will they be able to embrace Justine's new love?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Festive Frenzy ~ Christmas Stalking

Title: Christmas Stalking
Author: Selena Kitt
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Alone and on the run, Ginny is desperate to stay one step ahead of danger while still trying to protect her sister and her sister's boys. Forced from her home and holding the key to a horrible secret, Ginny is haunted by her memories and pursued by a man who will stop at nothing to regain his control over her. The appearance of a mysterious man in her time of greatest need forces Ginny to decide whether she will take the chance to trust this handsome stranger.

Buy Link:

Festive Frenzy ~ Red Satin Christmas

Title: Red Satin Christmas
Author: Giselle Renarde
Genre: Transgender Lesbian Erotic Romance


What fun would a family Christmas be if everybody got along?

This is a Christmas of firsts for girlfriends Regan and Maisie. Maisie hasn't returned to her hometown since beginning her transition from male to female. Her mother and sisters welcome her with open arms, but what about brother Jerry? Is he just going to ignore her forever? And who is this mystery woman he's brought home for the holidays?

Regan figures she's just along for the ride, lending her girlfriend support, until Maisie's mother surprises her with a special dinner guest. Regan hasn't spoken to her hard-drinking Cree father in years, and he's the last person in the world she wants to sit across from at Christmas dinner. Can Regan finally trust the man who's once again claimed to have changed for good?

Together, Regan and Maisie face drama beyond their wildest imaginings. Will their trials during this eventful family Christmas challenge their bond... or vanquish their limitations?

Buy Link:

Friday, December 7, 2012

Festive Frenzy ~ A Gift for Adam

Title: A Gift for Adam
Author: Adriana Kraft

Genre: Erotic Romance


Home and Garden assistant manager Evie Strand has painstakingly embroidered a set of seven thongs as a gag gift for her best friend—only she brought the wrong box to the store Christmas party, and now Adam Grant from Automotive is holding them up for everyone to see: Kiss my..., Tight Fit—could things get any worse? Adam may seem like a total rake, but he can tell Evie’s deeply embarrassed and he resolves to make it up to her. Who knew where a simple dinner date would lead?

Buy Link:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Holiday Affairs

How do you like this cover? *gorgeous*  It belongs to a new anthology from Mischief Books called (as you might have guessed) "Holiday Affairs."

Sexy holiday encounters. Original erotica from Giselle Renarde, Charlotte Stein, Kathleen Tudor and many more.
Candy struts into a campsite with one thing on her mind: misbehaviour with all six men at the fireside. 

One man’s fixation with airline stewardess’s leads to a layover he’ll never forget. 

On vacation in Las Vegas, a dissatisfied wife is bought a very BIG present by her husband.

I just want to mention that Mischief Anthologies are super-good value. Really great prices. And this one, which includes my 6-on-1 gang bang (WOW!), is available now:

Festive Frenzy ~ A Baumgartner Christmas

Title: A Baumgartner Christmas
Author: Selena Kitt
Genre: Menage
In spite of a brief experimentation early in their relationship, Doc and Carrie Baumgartner have since maintained a monogamous marriage without too much difficulty or even temptation--until now. A move far from home, coupled with new friends and long hours away from each other in classes or at work, have left the young Baumgartner couple on shaky ground. Doc believes bringing in someone "new" like they did early in their relationship might add just the spice their marriage needs, but Carrie isn't so sure about that plan. Doc has a surprise Christmas present for his wife anyway--but in an ironic twist, he discovers she has one for him as well, and each gift allows the Baumgartners to rediscover, in the true spirit of Christmas, an expansive love that includes not only their feelings for each other, but their ability to share that inclusive passion with others as well.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Festive Frenzy ~ Vanilla-Free Christmas: Manlove Edition

If this title looks familiar, that's because "Vanilla-Free Christmas," published by Evernight Publishing, was just released yesterday.  Today, it's Manlove's turn: 5 kinky stories of Christmas gaiety.

Title: Vanilla-Free Christmas: Manlove Edition
Author: Various
Genre: BDSM, Kink, Gay


This Christmas, good will isn’t all these sexy men are going to get…

Ménage loving and chance encounters will make the holidays merry and bright and hot enough to keep out the cold. From a romp in Santa’s candy house to a dinner party where chains and collars are required attire, Christmas for these naughty men is going to be anything but vanilla.

Be Warned: m/m sex, m/m/m ménage sex, BDSM, sex toys, rimming

~5 Author Kink Anthology~
Boughs of Love by Rebecca Brochu
Dressed for Dinner by Pelaam
Tied with a Bow by Nicola Cameron
Enough About Earl by Giselle Renarde
The Christmas Cookies by Troy Storm  

Did you notice that I've got a story in there?  Even though this antho isn't all about the cutesy, "Enough About Earl" is actually kind of an adorable romantic comedy:

Cam is sick of hearing about Earl, Earl, Earl from his best friend Jodee. Jodee talks about this coworker so often Cam wonders if she's about to dump him for another gay BFF. When they arrive at her office Christmas party, he finally gets to meet this Earl he's heard so much about, and he's surprised that, actually, Earl's not to bad. Who'd have thought two rivals for Jodee's friendship would end up gettin' it on right there at the office party?

And an itty bitty excerpt:

“Sorry, I should have introduced you properly.” Jodee grabbed Cam’s hand and stuck it out to shake Earl’s. “Earl, Cam. Cam, Earl.”

“I’ve heard so much about you,” they both grumbled. And then, with surprised smiles, “Really?”

“Jodee talks about you non-stop around the office,” Earl said. “Every day it’s, ‘Cam did this, Cam thinks that.’ For the first few months I worked here, I thought you were her husband.”

Cam laughed. “You’re kidding. At home, it’s like, ‘Earl, Earl, Earl.’ Sometimes I just want to say, ‘My God! Enough about Earl!’ You know?”

“Oh, I know,” Earl said. “I’ve hated you for months, and we’d never even met!”

“I’ve hated you too!” Cam said, feeling at one with his mortal enemy.

“Jeeze, guys!” Jodee rolled her eyes. “Get a room.”

Vanilla-Free Christmas: Manlove Edition is now available from Evernight Publishing:

All Romance:


Festive Frenzy ~ Santa's Boss

Title: Santa's Boss
Author: Adriana Kraft
Genre: erotic romance (menage)


Always authentic, Assistant Mall Manager Joy Danser insists that her mall Santas must have real beards so children can believe. But even she is unprepared for the very real Santa who visits her bed invisibly this Christmas season. Is she dreaming, or has she gone mad? Joy consults Sophia Nardiz, manager of the Magical Gypsy shop at her mall. Sophia reads her palm and gives her a cryptic message: Joy is at a crossroads, and she must trust her intuition.

Owner of the Magical Gypsy chain and a true Gypsy himself, Nick Polaris is thrilled to play Joy’s Santa, in the mall and in her bed, but he knows it’s only a lark. For true love, he’ll need someone with Gypsy blood. Must he renounce the Scottish redhead he enjoys so much?

Buy Link:

Monday, December 3, 2012

Oh, I Forgot to Mention... (about this MMF Christmas cougar story)

...a lot of stuff, actually.

In my last post, I kicked off this year's Festive Frenzy with a promo for a new BDSM anthology called Vanilla-Free Christmas.  This collection from Evernight Publishing JUST hit the market today, and there are about a thousand things I wanted to say about it... and then didn't.

So I'm back, to say all the things I didn't say.

First off, as the title suggests, Vanilla-Free Christmas is a collection of stories that are kinkier than your a-ver-age holiday fare.  My story is MMF menage about a cougar landlady, the young guy who lives in her basement apartment, and a bathtub installer.  The story is called "Three in a Tub." (as in, "Rub-a-dub-dub"... although, I guess that would be "Three MEN in a tub"... anyway...)

I got the idea for Three in a Tub while watching commercials late at night on CBC television.  I guess they anticipate everybody watching in the wee hours of the morning to be elderly insomniacs, because so many of the commercials are for things like the Acorn Stairlift.  My initial thought was to write a story about a woman preparing her home for her elderly mother to move in, and falling for the Stairlift installer.

Then I saw a commercial for those bathtubs... I forget what they're called... "walk-in tubs" maybe?  Something like that.  It's another product intended for the elderly and/or people with mobility problems.   The tubs are high and they have a door, so you can sit down on a bench and have a bath.  Anyway, I'm not trying to sell you one, it was just the inspiration for this story.

Here's the blurb:

This Christmas, Cathy's elderly mother is coming to stay... and staying forever. Cathy's not delighted that her mother is moving in. How is she going to hide her romantic relationship with Jeremy, the young tenant in her basement suite? In preparation of her mother's arrival, Cathy brings in sexy Vance to install a new bathtub that will be easy for her mother to use. She never imagined Jeremy and Vance would team up to give her the gift of a lifetime!


You know what? Let's have an excerpt from Three in a Tub:

“So, how long is this installation going to take?” Jeremy asked, puffing out his chest like a peacock.

“I’ll be done by five,” Vance said. “Just like I told your landlord.”

Cathy shook her head as the kettle burbled and clicked off behind her. “Anybody care for some tea?”

“Is it going to be noisy?” Jeremy asked, taking one step closer to Vance.

“There will be some noise involved, yes.”


“No, not much dust.”

“But noise?”

“Yes, noise.”

These men were ridiculous.

“Well, we don’t want to keep you from your work,” Jeremy said, and then grabbed Cathy’s hand. “We’ll be in the basement if you need anything. So long.”

Cathy caught a glimmer of jealousy in Vance’s eyes as Jeremy dragged her down into his suite. She wanted to be upset with him, but she was strangely amused by his guard-dog demeanor.

“Jeremy!” she said, trying not to laugh. “You brat! That man’s going to think we’re down here doing…”

“Doing what?” Jeremy pulled her into his subterranean bedroom and swept off his robe.

He was naked underneath, as usual, and he wrapped his fist around his hard cock, pumping it slowly while she watched. “Doing this?”

Cathy reached out to touch it, and he swept her into a hot kiss. She loved the slick sensation of his precum on her fingers. Making love with a man twenty-five years her junior was like falling into a time warp. She was young every time they fucked. He made her young again.

Releasing their kiss, Jeremy unbuttoned her cardigan and tore it off. “You know what I want?”

Bang, bang, bang! Vance was working away up there, making all the noise he’d promised them. Jeremy fought back by turning on his radio. Classic rock. Something they could always agree on.

“You know what I want?” Jeremy asked again.

She grinned while he undid her khakis and pushed them down. “What do you want, Jeremy?”

“This.” Thrusting his hand beneath her panties, he cupped her mound and squeezed. “I want your pussy, Cath.”

His breath was so hot on her ear she nearly fainted as he tore off her camisole.

“Nobody’s ever talked to me the way you do,” she told him.

“You’re no withering flower,” he said, rubbing her clit. “You can take it.”

He always did that, always came on too strong. Not the words—Cathy loved his filthy mouth—but the touching. She pulled back and said, “Lube…”

But Jeremy had a better idea. He tore off her panties and tossed her on the bed like a sack of flour. It made her laugh, the way he manhandled her, because he wouldn’t do it if he thought of her as a frail old woman. It was nice to be treated with respect, especially when respect came with a side order of hot sex.


So, there you go.  An excerpt from "Three in a Tub." And my story's only one of NINE in this 70,000-word anthology.

If you're interested, get your copy today from Evernight Publishing:

Or All Romance:

Coming soon to the other places. :-)
