I can't recall if I ever mentioned that I have a story in Best Lesbian Erotica 2011. Have I said that already? Seems like something I might have shouted from the rooftops, but I just don't remember doing it.
The collection, edited by Kathleen Warnock, introduced and selected by Lea DeLaria, and published as always by Cleis Press, has been receiving wonderful reviews and was recently named a finalist for a Lambda Literary award in the Lesbian Erotica category. You can check out all finalists in all categories here: http://www.lambdaliterary.org/awards/2011-finalists/
I also noticed the other day, when I was on the Toronto Public Library's website, that they've ordered five copies. If you're in the city and you've got your library card handy, place a hold on a copy here: http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp?Entt=RDM2742851&R=2742851.
And if you're not in Toronto, check out your library system and see if they've ordered copies. If not, you can always ask them to. Or you could buy a copy for yourself, of course.
Giselle Renarde
Canada just got hotter!
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