Those of you who spend a lot of time here at Donuts and Desires probably know I write a lot of fiction about transgender characters. My newest release, Licorne, is a trans lesbian erotic romance set in a mythical medieval sort of time. It features a human woman and the unicorn she loves.
Now, one thing I stay away from in my trans stories is that jarring, overdone, disrespectful "oh my god, that chick's really a dude!" convention. I generally write trans characters who identify as such to themselves and their partners and the reader right from the start. But because the trans woman in Licorne starts the story in the body of a unicorn... well, the boundaries are a little more blurry.
Anyway, the 6 sentences I've chosen today sort of encapsulate the human Galiana's progression of thought upon discovering that her love Licorne has a body unlike any Galiana has ever encountered:
In fleeting half-thoughts, Galiana considered Licorne’s unusual form, wondering why she had not disclosed the peculiarities of her body in advance. But perhaps that extra appendage between Licorne’s thighs was standard fare for a unicorn in human form. Why must Galiana judge?
True, as Licorne had said, Galiana had fallen in love with a beast knowing in her heart that her unicorn was a woman. She must not alter her opinion now. To do so would be to show her lover the utmost disrespect.
Trans people get enough disrespect in the "real" world. In my fiction? No way.
Licorne just came out Thursday, and it's available now from a whole bunch of retailers, including Amazon, ARe, 1PFR, and Rainbow eBooks.
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