The two-hour walk was for old times' sake. It was one year ago that I took the train home from my Sweet's house outside the city after a whirlwind overnight adventure. The summer morning was cool and the air fresh--a rarity in a major metropolitan centre--so I chose to walk instead of taking the subway home, clinging to my memories of sleeping over at Sweet's house.
When I arrived home that day, I wrote a story called THIRD RAIL. If you've ever tried getting literary transgender erotica published in a fairly narrow marketplace (narrow when it comes to gender identity, I mean) you'll know how difficult it can be to get even really great work out there for all to read.

Well, boys and girls and everyone in between, today the fictionalized version of my overnight with Sweet is up and available at RUTHIE'S CLUB. I love Ruthie's Club! Like a picture book for grown ups! And the illustration by Dan Skinner does a great job in representing the emotion of the piece in addition to the eroticism. I just love his work.
So go read THIRD RAIL! After that, read my flash fiction LITTLE LAMB ON BAY STREET, a short short about lesbians playing in public (and in costumes!). Ruthie's Club is a membership site, so join up. It's worth it. And, by joining, you're helping to put kibble in my kitties' bowls, so you can feel extra good about that.
Bright Blessings,
Giselle Renarde

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