After some time the WhoreLover anthology project has been revived, with the help of new co-editor Pau Crego!
Please distribute far and wide especially places that might reach whorelovers and writers.! Send to all your friends, lovers and exes!
*Call for Submissions for
WhoreLover: Lovers and Partners of Sex Workers SpeakCall for Submissions: WhoreLover
Deadline: July 15th, 2011
Compiled/Edited by Sadie Lune and Pau CregoAn anthology of non-fiction essays written by the non-paying partners of sex workers about their experiences and feelings regarding their unique position in the marketplace of love.
From casual dates, to great long term relationships, to going down in flames, WhoreLover will explore the personal narratives of people attracted to, intimate and in love with those who work in the sex industry. Present and former lovers and partners of sex workers are encouraged to submit. WhoreLover is looking to represent the stories of a multiplicity of people: people of color, trans, queer, gay/lesbian, straight, different dis/abilities, of all nationalities, immigration statuses and ages. Partners of workers in all areas of the sex industry will be featured.Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
*Day to day negotiations
*The many joys and perks of loving a sex worker
*My partner and I turned each other out
*I was a trick and then became a lover
*Loving a Sex Work Celebrity
*My partner’s job turns me on
*My partner’s work inspired me to be client of sex workers
*I’m a sex worker and I only date other sex workers
*How I deal with family and friends around my partner’s work
*How I’ve dealt (or not) with my own ego around my partner’s sex work
*My partner switched jobs within the industry and how that worked for us
*My partner’s sex work is a secret from everyone (including me?)
*I broke up with my partner because of sex workWe are looking for submissions from people who have dated/loved/slept with/married all variety of sex workers, including: porn actors, strippers, FBSM/sensual massage providers, street-based workers, tantra providers, erotic body workers, sexual surrogates, escorts, fetish workers, phone-sex workers, pro-Dominants and pro-submissives.
A limited number of interviews are possible to those who are interested in having their voices heard but feel more comfortable talking than writing. No poetry, please.
Submissions should be in English or Spanish, the book will be English language. We would love submissions from folks around the world for whom English is not a first language but can only translate from Spanish; however we encourage people with multi-lingual skills to collaborate in translation and send us submissions with the translator credited.Pseudonyms or anonymous submissions are fine and will be honored.
Pieces should be between 1000-5000 words, please specify word count in the body of your email.Please submit via email attachment (pdf or doc file) to: partnersanthology@gmail.com
and check WhoreLover out on Facebook: www.facebook.com/partnersanthology
See original post at http://sadielune.com/2011/05/whorelover-anthology-project-revived-call-for-submissions/
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