I was inspired by all the scary books I've read, all the ghostie TV shows I've watched (is anybody else in love with the Rescue Mediums?), but most of all I was inspired by one little paranormal experience and the desire to share it.
So I got other authors on board and created True Author Ghost Stories, a site where the published authors we love share their encounters with the strange, the supernatural, the paranormal.
Here's the introduction I wrote for the site:
A fond hello to all readers, writers, and paranormal enthusiasts!Thank you for visiting True Author Ghost Stories. My name is Giselle Renarde and I write queer fiction and erotica for a living. Every committed author is, I submit, an avid reader at heart, and I can't remember a time when I didn't enjoy reading a good ghost story. When I was a child, I devoured scary stories. My spine would tingle, my hairs stand on end, and when I got very frightened my eyes would well with tears.I still love a good ghost story, and the very best of them are the true ones. My goal, in establishing the True Author Ghost Stories website, is to bring you true tales of the paranormal from some of your favourite published authors. Because I write erotic fiction, as do many other contributors to this site, I should warn you that many books advertised here are for adults only.Welcome, and enjoy the site!Bright Blessings,Giselle
My own experience was pretty mild (you can read about it at TAGS), and still it scared the pants off me. (Ok, I wasn't wearing pants at the time, but it would have done!) Keep an eye on True Author Ghost Stories, because there will soon be more tales of the paranormal from authors you love.
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