I recently received a wonderful review from Three Dollar Bill Reviews for my mainstream lesbian short story UGLY NAKED PEOPLE. Reviewer Emily goes so far as to say, "Everyone should take the time to read this moving and emotional short story." What better praise could an author ask?
Buy link: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-uglynakedpeople-444201-182.html
Back cover blurb:
Rave is concerned about her girlfriend Astrid’s rapidly declining weight and health. As Astrid’s eating disorder begins to take its toll on the couple’s relationship, Rave hopes that a dramatic move on her part will save both Astrid and the future they could have together.
Review snippet with link to the complete review:
Author Renarde sets up this expertly crafted story with care and depth, with characterizations that are fleshed out even within just a few paragraphs. [...] This story is not just a comment on the effect of societal pressures to fit a body image that is far from healthy. It also shows how being uncomfortable with one’s sexuality can manifest in very dangerous and destructive ways.
Read the entire review here: http://threedollarbillreviews.com/2010/12/27/ugly-naked-people-by-giselle-renarde/
Read an excerpt: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-uglynakedpeople-444201-182.html
Giselle Renarde
Canada just got hotter!
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Giselle Renarde
Canada just got hotter!
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