What better opportunity to show off the very lovely cover loveyoudivine Alterotica has given me for their rerelease of my trans lesbian erotic romance short RED SATIN? I just love that drape of red satin and that gorgeous shoe! I also enjoy the cheap thrill of seeing my name in red. hehehe...
You can check out the blurb and excerpt for this story I love so much at loveyoudivine Alterotica, or you can read it below, of course.
Regan and Maisie had sex once, back when
Maisie was living the “boy's” life, but Regan wrote it off as nothing more than
a drunken rebound hook-up. Now that Maisie is in transition and all her
feminine qualities are rising to the surface, Regan is realizing what she saw
in Maisie that one inebriated evening so many years ago. But Maisie has fears
of her own about starting up a relationship amidst the turmoil of other
changes. Does Regan see her for who she really is, or will she love her and
leave her like last time? See what power is evoked by mid-December mall magic,
a red satin evening gown and two lovers who meet again for the first time.
Wrapping her arms around Regan's waist, Maisie whispered, "You're one in
a million, Regan. Thanks for being such a great friend."
They sat in silence, Maisie's cheek nestled into Regan's chest. The shoppers
downstairs generated a cacophony that surged to a peak before coming to a
magical silence. A Salvation Army quintet took up their instruments. The
muted sound of two silver trumpets, a trombone, a tuba, and a French horn
filled the air with a melancholic rendition of Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
Regan closed her eyes, transported from mall to concert hall. She imagined
Maisie in that shimmering blue gown, diamonds around her neck, the epitome
of feminine beauty. In her best suit, Regan would escort her new girlfriend
to every big event. The whole city would see this gorgeous girl on her arm.
When she took a deep breath, the scent of Maisie's cheerful perfume
overwhelmed her senses. Regan floated on a cloud of citrus-and-lily.
"I do get frightened, you know," Maisie admitted, cuddling closer. "Of being
called out, I mean. And of that looming threat of physical violence." She
took a deep breath before asking, "How is my family going to react when I
ring their doorbell? I wish I had a big strong girlfriend to protect me."
Opening her eyes, Regan found Maisie gazing up at her like a pulp fiction
cover girl, eyes brimming with sweet desperation. Regan flexed the arm
Maisie wasn't leaning against.
"Oh… you are strong," Maisie cooed. "You could protect me."
"I sure could," Regan began as Maisie wrapped a hand around her muscle. "If
I were your girlfriend…"
Now the bashful Southern belle, Maisie released Regan's arm and looked
demurely to the floor. With a hint of an anticipatory smile, she asked, "Do
you want to be my girlfriend?"
Laughing over the quintet's Christmas Carol, Regan asked, "What did I say
two minutes ago? Yes, I want to be your girlfriend!" Again, she breathed in
the scent of sunny perfume. Maisie was beyond adorable, her dimpled cheeks
plump with leftover baby fat. Her squeezable curves melted against Regan's
body as she flicked brunette bangs away from her eyes.
Tracing the line of Maisie's jaw from ear to chin, Regan eased Maisie's
expectant lips closer until their gloss grazed hers. For a moment, Maisie
hesitated, her warm breath soaking Regan's moistened lips. She waited, her
body throbbing, until Maisie placed a caring hand at the back of her head
and pulled her into a heated kiss. Maisie's tongue was hot, pulsing against
Regan's, their heads switching sides like rapid fire. Regan wrapped herself
around Maisie's curves, digging her nails into the flesh at Maisie's sides,
moaning into the depths of her luscious mouth.
Just as the flames of passion overwhelmed Regan's body, Maisie broke away
with a startled look in her eye.
"What's wrong?" Regan asked.
Maisie chuckled nervously, touching fingertips to her engorged lips.
"Sorry," Maisie replied.
"Why sorry?"
Maisie shrugged. She shook her head and giggled. "I just don't know what I
Or check this title out at All Romance ebooks: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-redsatin-511509-144.html
A beautiful cover for a beautiful story! Glad to see it's getting the extra attention it deserves. :)