Torquere Press author Maia Strong is here today with sane answers to crazy questions. ;-)

Richly exotic and cozy at the same time.
2. Is there any moment from your life that you remember in slow motion?
The 2001 Nisqually earthquake. I remember being very calm while a co-worker freaked out next to me under my desk. A long file drawer was drifting open from the movement of the building, and I reached out and shut it so it wouldn't hit anyone.
3. What's the most unsettling movie you've ever seen?
The Rapture - Unsettling because it was an absolutely awful film, and I found it disturbing that anyone thought it was a good idea to make it.
4. If you had to get a tattoo on your face, what would you want it to look like?
A Celtic Tree of Life - But, dude, that would hurt!
5. How many monkeys jumping on the bed?
Only four these days.
6. Which of the books or stories you've written is your favourite?
Not counting the very first novel I ever wrote, which isn't published, I'd have to say Client Privileges. I love the characters and their world.
Buy link: Jonas Vaneau's life seems ordinary, with days working at law courts and evenings at home with his cat, plus countless Sabbath dinners with his parents and an endless string of potential brides. Meanwhile, an unusual encounter with seemingly ordinary brothel client Jonas causes Micah Hartshorn considerable consternation. When Jonas inexplicably bursts past his emotional defenses, Micah can't even fall back on his professional skills to help him.
The attraction between Micah and Jonas grows, despite their misgivings. As they grow closer, all personal problems are swept up in political unrest when new laws threaten both men's livelihoods. When even greater troubles send Jonas' world spinning beyond his control, it's up to Micah to save Jonas from the downward spiral if he can.
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