My girlfriend has vowed to lose fifty pounds in six months. Yes, fifty. Yes, six. Yikes.

When she asked me to help her out, I said sure, as long as she didn't bitch at me when I nagged her. I mean....when I encouraged her. Unfortunately, my Sweet no longer remembers the whole "nagging is an acceptable means to an end" conversation and...well, I don't exactly agree with her chosen weight-loss method.
It's nothing terrible. It's not like she's taking laxatives and starving herself...not exactly. She's just decided that the best way to lose weight is to eat only to satiety. That's a great start--being mindful about food is a wonderful thing. The problem from my perspective is that she's still eating pretty crappy foods. Just smaller portions.
So now instead of feeling the energy she would if she were eating lots of wonderful vegetables and beautiful fruits and other natural foods, she feels tired all the time. And cranky. Sluggish. Nappish. And...did I mention CRANKY?
Nagging me and cranky her? Bad combination. So in month one of this six month endeavour, I've already learned to keep my damn mouth shut.

Today I will be sending her a link I found today for CBC's "Live Right Now" movement. It's all about making small changes to get healthy.
At you'll find lots of ideas about eating better and getting more physical activity into your routine. There's a lot of fun stuff like "build a snowman" and "dance for 10 minutes" and "walk around while you're talking on the phone."
When you go to the LiveRightNow website, click on "challenges" and explore family, food, physical activity, and community ideas for getting healthy in 2011.
Because, really, it's the little things in life...right?
Giselle Renarde
Canada just got hotter!
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