What's with the procrastination? Well, a lot of people really like these stories. The second is a cliff-hanger, and I've promised fireworks in the third story. The pressure's really getting to me. Crikey, writing erotica shouldn't be this stressful!
Anyhoo, all that is to say this week's Six are from the first story in the trilogy, aptly titled, "Red Satin." A little background: Regan and Maisie have known each other since they were kids, back when Maisie was Mark. Regan's so hot for this girl--in love, even if she doesn't realize it yet--but Maisie is reluctant to get involved with anyone romantically at this point in her transition.
Regan wrapped herself around Maisie's curves, digging her nails into the flesh at Maisie's sides, moaning into the depths of her luscious mouth.
Just as the flames of passion overwhelmed Regan's body, Maisie broke away with a startled look in her eye.
"What's wrong?" Regan asked.
Maisie chuckled nervously, touching only fingertips to her engorged lips. She shook her head and giggled. "I just don't know what I want."
I think l know what she wants! Great teasing six.