These aren't steps. This isn't role play. It's actual incest erotica: fathers and daughter, brothers and sisters, cousins and twins.
Some readers have told me they can't do it, can't follow me there. I totally understand. Before I started writing taboo erotica, it squicked me really badly. I would see all those daddy/daughter stories at Smashwords and it literally turned my stomach. I'd click away from the page as fast as I could because the very idea made me physically ill.
Adam and Sheree came to me like a fever dream. They took over my life. They took control of my fingers. They typed their own trilogy:
Adam and Sheree's Family Vacation, Family Business, and Family Christmas. (
Also available from Amazon as the slightly tamer pseudo-incest trilogy:
Adam and Sheree's Stepbrother Series)
I guess you could say
Adam and Sheree opened the taboo floodgates.
What's the appeal of truly taboo erotica, beyond the titillation of that which is forbidden?
Well, for an author who's in it for the hustle, I'll tell you straight-up: incest erotica sells really well. It sells way better than nuanced literary erotica, that's for sure!
So, in the interest of making money, I've just released a new collection called
Family Affairs Incest Erotica. It's comprised of all THREE of my Smut Smackdown stories. (Remember when Lexi challenged me to a contest to see which of us could out-incest the other? Those stories.)
Praise be to the Almighty Dollar!
I say that, but you know me well enough to realize I wouldn't write fiction that made me hate myself. So I guess it's not all about the money.

The truth is that I like these stories. I especially enjoyed writing the story Two Complete Strangers, which is about a father and daughter meeting for the first time as adults. And fucking at the top of a cliff. I got the idea for that one when I heard about a new opera being mounted (heh) based on the love affair Anais Nin had with her father.
Family Affairs Incest Erotica also includes the stories Spying on the Twins (about twins who fuck each other and then their cousin. on a beach.) and The Family Bed (about a girl who sleeps naked with her father and brother. sorry--this one's indoors).
You can get
Family Affairs at Smashwords:
Also available from eXcitica:
Oh, and in case I haven't made it clear, I'll mention that
all the characters in these stories are consenting adults. Well, except the dad and brother in The Family Bed. They
are adults, but they're not exactly consenting. Because they're asleep.
Happy Reading!