Thursday, March 26, 2009
Learn To Dance
Fortunately, I never learned the “girl” way to dance, so I don’t need to forget everything I know in order to lead. Sweet’s quite anxious to dump that role. When I took her by the waist and jokingly swung her around the room the other day, it was only the second time in her life she’d danced as the “lady.” The first time was with “a very gay guy” in a club about ten years ago.
So…how to dance, how to dance, how to dance? To answer these questions, I turned to the trusty internet. I’ve learned so much online. As it turns out, I’m not sure I'll be able to add dancing to that list.
Here’s what I’ve come across so far:
Learn to Dance with Napolean Dynamite
Amusing? Yes. Helpful? No.
How to Dance without Embarrassing Yourself
A dude in drag shows you the ropes. Seems like this would be particularly useful for me, but no. Very funny, though.
How to Booty Dance
Really, really, really not what I was looking for.
How to Dance the Basic Salsa Step
Hey…this is it! This is exactly what I wanted to know: where to put my hands and a basic step.
Alright! The internet has saved me yet again. YouTube is my salvation. Time to get out on the dance floor and salsa Sweet’s curvy little buns off!
Giselle Renarde
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Four Seasons: Spring 2009

Spring is a time of beginnings - after a gradual thaw, the melting of one season into next, comes a bright renewal - the exciting, passionate bloom of love, youth, new life, chances to begin again and all the rituals of re-birth. As the world blooms open again, so does the human longing for re-connection, both emotionally and physically. Come join your favorite eXcessica authors in this sensual, seasonal anthology, bringing you the best of all things sexy in the spring!
Edited by Selena Kitt, with stories by Molly Wens, Giselle Renarde, Amicus, Sabb, Rachelle Le Monnier, Kiki Howell, Sommer Marsden, Vicki Paradise, Jennifer Campbell, Dakota Trace, Marshall Ian Key and Karenna Colcroft
The story I've included in this compilation is "Spring Fever," a tale near to my heart. It's a work inspired by my budding relationship with my Sweet, written when she and I were still at the crush stage. In fact, as you'll find, it's a cross-dressing story. It was written before I knew her as a trans woman.
It's hard to believe that only a year ago, I knew her as a man with an innocent predisposition toward women's clothes. There were hints. There were little things--subtleties--that most people would never notice, but that I noticed because, well, I was falling in love with her.
I mention a photograph in the story. It's a real photograph. That was a true event. In a way, that's how Sweet came out to me.
This story is such a precious document, for me, of my emotions around Sweet at that time. I don't keep a personal diary, so, in a way, my work becomes my journal. Even if the events in a given story aren't true to life (and even more so if they are), when I reread the erotica I've written over time, it gives me an excellent sense of where I was at emotionally and sexually at any given time.
In "Spring Fever," I see old heartache. I see fear and reluctance to enter into a new relationship because wouldn't I just get my heart broken again? I also see my recognition of the inevitability of falling deeply in love with a wonderfully quirky individual whose secrets would soon be revealed.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Quick Six Interview with Missy Lyons
2. What are you reading right now?
3. I hear music in the background...what' s playing?
4. Do you have a favourite naughty word?
ML: Surrender, but I do like writing BDSM stories.
5. Is there a word or phrase that absolutely makes you cringe?
6. Be honest: What are you snacking on?
ML: Weird as this may sound, I have a pepsi and dried sweetened cranberries.
Thanks so much, Missy!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Quick Six Interview with Leighann Phoenix
Interview with Leighann Phoenix
1. Would you be so kind as to tell us what type of stories you write?
LP: Paranormal/Romance/Erotica and anything else you can think of...
I originally got a degree in writing a while back and spent a lot of time writing literary fiction. But that's not as fun.
2. What are you reading right now?
LP: I'm currently working on my next book.. I don't read other stuff while I'm writing cuz I find that my stuff starts sounding like what I'm reading. So I studiously avoid that!
3. I hear music in the background…what' s playing?
LP: Curse Icon, Nickelback. I got into Curse Icon when I thought they were a local band from my hometown area. I got a deal with them to do the music for the "Mira" book trailer and now they're going national. It's pretty cool. I can't seem to stop listening to them.
4. Do you have a favourite naughty word?
LP: Nah, I like them all! But I have a preference for "lick" on any given occasion and in the right context...
5. Is there a word or phrase that absolutely makes you cringe?
LP: I don't tend to like the word "cunt". I'll use it when I think appropriate, but it just seems so harsh.
6. Be honest: What are you snacking on?
LP: Ding dongs! I'll start my diet tomorrow.
Promo time! Flog your wares. Any exciting new releases? How can readers find out more about you and your work?
Currently I'm working on the third book in my series. It started with "Leader of the Pack" which went bestseller on eXcessica for several weeks running. After a lot of reader questions wanting more about the world, I wrote "Mira", which is kind of a prologue. It was just released. And now I'm working on "Leaders of the Pack", which is the continuation of the original.
Thanks so much for the interview!