Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wannabe a Writer We’ve Heard Of?

When Lucy Felthouse asked if I'd like to be part of a blog tour for a book called Wannabe a Writer We've Heard Of? I jumped at the opportunity. Lately, my fun-time reading has consisted of books on marketing and publicity, but all very general--marketing and publicity for anybody in any business. I'm very excited to now be able to peruse the following book, written just for us writers. Today I bring you a little excerpt from Wannabe a Writer We've Heard Of? Read on!
This entertaining follow-up to the successful Wannabe a Writer? is an essential read for every author and would-be best-seller, whether established or debut, self-published or still dreaming of the limelight. In today s celebrity-driven world, self-confessed media tart Jane Wenham-Jones, takes us on an uproarious ride along the publicity trail from getting the perfect promotional photo to choosing clothes to wear on TV. With anecdotes from Jane s own numerous media exploits, Wannabe a Writer We've Heard Of? is packed with tips and tricks to help you get yourself noticed, gain maximum column inches and airtime and create online buzz for your books and projects. Offering advice and insights from writers, journalists, publicists and celebrities who ve been there and done that, this is the ultimate guide for anyone longing for fame and success. Includes contributions from Joanna Trollope, Richard Madeley, Tracey Emin, India Knight, Shazia Mirza, Kelvin MacKenzie, Lucy Mangan, Katie Fforde, Joanne Harris, Helen Lederer, Peter James, Carole Blake, Stanley Johnson, Sue Cook, Carole Matthews, John Hegley, Carol Midgley, Sam Leith, Lisa Jewell, Giles Coren, Robert Crampton, Tim Dowling, Mike Gayle, Marina O Loughlin, Suzanne Moore, Sir Roy Strong and Erica Wagner. Foreword by Jill Mansell.

Jane Wenham-Jones is a novelist, journalist and presenter and the author of the Wannabe Books - two how-to manuals on getting published and becoming well-known. Below is an extract from Wannabe a Writer We’ve Heard Of?, available on Amazon or through all good bookshops. For more on Jane see

Tomorrow’s Chip Wrapping? Unfortunately not…

In the good old days when fried fish came in newspaper, instead of sweaty polystyrene boxes and the net was something you put over your curlers at night, there was always the famous comfort that any embarrassments in the news would only be so much wrapping for your chips the next day. Not any more!

Now articles appear online as well as in newsprint and the indiscretion you shared with that nice journalist after he’d bought you the sixth gin can stay there pretty much indefinitely.

As Valerie Dwyer warned me darkly, “Experts say that whatever gets on to the internet will remain there forever, even if it’s hidden, so be careful what legacy you leave!”

I can’t really be worrying about my legacy but I am a little more careful these days to give a bit of thought to what’s churning round the web while I’m still alive.

It was back in 2005 that I answered an internet interview question by saying, “If streaking down Oxford Street would result in a million sales I’d seriously consider it.” All these years on, I still get offers to take my kit off (it would be art, I was assured by the photographer who wanted me to pose naked on Margate beach) and I continue to be asked if it remains true (answer: yes, probably, although God help the tourists).

So it is probably wise to give yourself plenty of time to answer questions sent to you by email rather than just dashing off the first thing that occurs to you, which, as I know to my cost, might seem very droll at 10 p.m. after half a bottle of Pinot Grigio but not quite so side-splitting when you’re faced with it on your screen a week later and it gets thrown up every time you’re googled.

The same goes for what you say in interviews by phone or in person that might end up online. If you’re not sure how to answer something, say so, and ask to come back to it at the end or promise to email your answer later that day.

Although all of this depends on how much you care about your dafter statements coming back to haunt you (I don’t mind about Oxford Street at all) and whether you believe in: NO SUCH THING AS BAD PUBLICITY?

Wannabe a Writer Site:

Buy links:

Amazon UK (paperback)

Amazon UK (Kindle)

Amazon US (paperback)

Amazon US (Kindle)

The Book Depository

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Your Readers Are Uneducated Morons

So...have I ever mentioned I'm alumna of the same college as Margaret Atwood? We weren't there at the same time, of course, (she's considerably younger than I) but it's still pretty much my only claim to fame.

When I was a kid, the one item that consistently appeared on my Christmas list was "a university education." Hahaha, yes, better than a pony, etc, but my mother would take one look at that and say, "It's all well and good to want a higher education, but I'll not be paying for it." And, true to her word, she didn't. And that probably comes across as bitter, but looking back I'm actually very happy to have been spurred to work hard and pay my own way. I think I probably value and respect my degree more than a lot of people whose parents paid their way.

(By the way, that bit about Margaret Atwood being younger than me was a joke. I'm actually not in my seventies. Thought I should probably clear that up.)

Why am I thinking of education? Well, an industry (un)professional recently “reminded” me that readers of erotica are “uneducated” so I should stay away from big words they’re unlikely to understand. I was kind of like… ‘scuse me? Should I even start deconstructing that statement? Because, seriously, we’ll be here all night. Suffice to say…well, two things:

  1. Education is not a barometer for intelligence. One of the most well-read people I know is my grandmother, who quit school at age 16, when she got knocked up and married her handsome soldier. Even now, well into her 80's and with seriously impaired vision, she reads voraciously and can carry on an intellectually stimulating conversation on any topic. Seriously--we've discussed everything from indie rock to opera set design to Iranian politics, and she always knows far more than I do about everything. Reading gets you everywhere, kids. It does.
  2. The proletariat does not have a monopoly on sexual desire. I actually took a course (don't laugh) called Sex and Sexuality in the Premodern West, and one of the many ideas I took away from it was that we've always sort of "assigned" sex, as one of our "base" instincts, to those "base" people in society. Sex is like anger or sorrow, or any intense emotion: it belongs with the stupid and the poor, people of the lower classes who don't know any better. To me, the concept that only the unwashed masses enjoy and explore sex and all its trappings is really insulting and just...inaccurate.

I’m educated and I write sex for a living. Why? Because I choose to do so. I've worked in other industries, in business and the arts, and I far prefer writing erotica. I've always said I write more for myself than anyone else, so I assume the readers who will most enjoy my work are readers who are somewhat like me.

Actually, I've had other authors disclose to me that they've had industry (un)professionals tell them exactly what I was told: that readers of erotica aren't very smart, aren't very educated, don't know a lot of words. Whatever you're writing, you should dumb it down for them. Don't want to confuse their little peanut brains. Well, here is my educated response: fuck that! Insulting readers by establishing this strange Us vs Them of "We the Educated Creators" and "They the Stupid Consumers" is not going to fly with me. I'm not going to look down on readers. In fact, I'm bowing low and offering the work up, praying to the gods of erotica that they will enjoy what I've created for them.

Like I said, we could be here all night if I let myself go on. So I'll stop now. But, who knows? You might have something to add.


Monday, August 29, 2011


Quick Six PRO
Interview with TORY RICHARDS

Q: What's the most time-consuming part of a writer's life?
TORY RICHARDS: For me it's real life. Seriously! I work full time days so that leaves a little time in the evenings and weekends. Some of those hours are filled up with family and friend time. Finding time for writing is difficult.

Q: How do you handle a bad review?
TORY RICHARDS: I don't take it personal, and with a positive attitude. I try to learn something from it, too.

Q: What do you look for in a publisher?
TORY RICHARDS: Longevity and reputation!

Q: What makes an editor great or...not so great?
TORY RICHARDS: I've worked with both. The not so great senior editor was brash and definitely not a people person. She didn't get my book until it had already been edited by someone on her staff and then she cut the final work to ribbons. Said it was riddled with errors. Wasn't that what her staff editor was supposed to do? Go through it and let me know of any issues so I could fix them? Which I thought we had. These days I am so lucky to get to work with some great editors! We work together to put out the best product we can. I like to think I learn something from their criticism and use any constructive feedback to help me write better.

Q: Do you have a preference for short stories of longer works?
TORY RICHARDS: I used to think I didn't have a short story in me but I'm beginning to like writing them more. I write erotic romance and short stories are good for a quick fix! LOL

Q: Any promo tips for fellow authors?
TORY RICHARDS: Be prepared to spend a lot of time doing it! And it never ends.

Tory Richards is author of:
The Promise
Shannon Hayes' husband David was killed in Iraq nearly a year ago, and now she must face her first holiday season without him. With a toddler in tow, she travels to the Vermont farm where the rest of the family has gathered for the holidays. There she comes face to face with the man who was with him when he died, and her destiny, his older brother Ryan.
For the first time in years, Ryan returns home to keep a promise he made to David -- to take care of Shannon and their daughter. It's a pledge Ryan is reluctant to keep because he's been secretly in love with Shannon since first setting eyes on her. Their attraction to each other is instant, intense and soon the promise isn't the only thing between them.

Tory Richards
Author of sizzling romances!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wonderful Review for My Mistress' Thighs

I'm pleased to announce that my anthology of erotic transgender fiction and poetry has been reviewed by Sally at Bibrary Book Lust:

Whether this is your first encounter with Giselle's work, or simply your latest, I daresay there's nowhere better to find yourself than between (the pages of) My Mistress' Thighs.

The review is incredibly thorough, touching on all 11 stories in the collection, and I invite you to read it in its entirety at

My Mistress' Thighs is available in print:

and as an ebook:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Quick Six PRO with DC Juris (Part Two)

Q: What do you look for in a publisher?

DC Juris: Dependability. An author needs to be more than a dollar sign, and the publisher needs to understand that they don't exclusively own their authors. We're not cattle - we're free to publish anywhere we like. One publisher might be able to meet an author's needs, but then again they might not be. That, and answering my e-mails in a timely manner is always appreciated.

Q: What makes an editor great or...not so great?

DC Juris: The editor who is willing to get to know an author is a great editor. The editor who invests themselves in the characters and the story, who pushes the author to give a better story is a good editor. On the contrary an editor who dives into edits on, say, book two in a series, without having even glanced at book one, shows a lack of professionalism. Getting to know an author is key. If they're a published author who is new to you - read something of theirs. Get to know your author's quirks. And don't be insulting - sometimes, it's not a massive slap in the face to the rules of writing. Sometimes, it's just a typo. :-)

Q: Do you have a preference for short stories of longer works?

DC Juris: Shorter, definitely, both for reading and writing. I don't have a ton of time to read, so stories with piles and piles of details or long, run-on story lines don't appeal to me. Tell me what I need to know - what I absolutely need. I can fill in the rest of the small things myself.

Q: Do you find yourself writing for the market and not for YOU, or self-censoring in any way?

DC Juris: I don't censor at all. I write my stories as the characters tell me they happened. If they make people squeamish, well, that's what warning labels are for.

Q: How have the people in your life reacted to your career as a writer?

DC Juris: My husband and my sister are the only family members who support me. The rest are just "glad I don't use the family name." My friends and co-workers are supportive, though.

Q: Any promo tips for fellow authors?

DC Juris: I'm the last person to give promo tips, but I will say, be honest and approachable to your readers. They like to know you're real.

DC Juris is author of:

Finding Sanctuary is the story of Vincent, a typical, average guy who has begun to unravel. He has a respectable, mainstream life, with a solid job, nice girlfriend, comfortable house-all the material trappings. What, then, is causing this restlessness, these blackouts? The first revelation is that his best friend Eric is also his heart's desire. But then Eric invites him to a weekend at a BDSM playhouse ... There Vincent will confront his fears and test the limits of his sexual boundaries. Eric has his needs, too-needs that conflict with Vincent's. Will their fragile new bond survive the weekend? Will Vincent find the sanctuary he so fervently desires?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday - Faithful John and the Dungeon Ravens

I was going to pull 6 from my WIP this week, but it's on my other computer and I'm tired so...that's not going to happen. Instead, I have a saucy 6 sentences from an older BDSM/rope bondage fairy tale release with Xcite ebooks: Faithful John and the Dungeon Ravens (which, btw, is now only $0.99 and that's pretty killer because I think it used to be $2.49)

In this loose adaptation of the Grimm Brothers' tale Faithful John, the queen's untimely death leaves her son in charge of the brothel-like castle dungeon. Though her devoted servant, Faithful John, promised the queen he would keep the young man from the cursed Mistress Mei, nothing can divide royalty and young love. When the young king asks for her hand in marriage, she realizes her acceptance is a death sentence and says yes even so. Can Faithful John save Mistress Mei from her prescribed fate, or will his devotion see him turned to stone?

“Nothing in my ass, if you don’t mind.”

“Don’t worry, not my specialty,” Mistress Mei replied, her aroma heavy with spice but uplifted by the scent of oranges. When she breathed, her silk top rippled against her chest. Her dark nipples were hard and amply visible through the fabric.

The king smirked. “What is your specialty?”

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Now Available: Red Velvet and Absinthe

This book is WOW! Just take one look at the cover and you want it--most people do. Red Velvet and Absinthe has been much-publicized, but it's not just hype, I can tell you that for sure! I've got a story in it, one I wrote last year at Christmas when I was "vacationing" at my mother's house and pressed firmly up against a deadline. I wrote it sitting at the rather ornate desk in my younger sister's old bedroom, looking out across the snowy expanse of a mid-winter yard.

Red Velvet and Absinthe explores love and lust with otherworldly partners who, by their sheer fantastical nature, evoke passion and desire far beyond that which any normal human being can inspire. Although the greats such as Bram Stoker, Edgar Allan Poe, and Daphne du Maurier are long dead, these contemporary authors keep the Gothic spirit alive and well by interpreting it in new and exciting ways. Red Velvet and Absinthe offers readers a collection of unique and original stories that conjure up the atmospheric and romantic spirit of the Gothic masters (and mistresses) but take things a bit further by adding to the brew a generous dosage of eroticism. Lie back and listen to the wind howling outside your window as you read these stories in the flickering light of a candle, the absinthe you’re sipping warming your body like the caressing touch of a lover’s fingers . . .

My contribution is "Milady's Bath," a lesbian story of adoration and desire, of wild streaks, of a maid bathing her mistress. It's dark and brooding and sensual, and it starts like this:

No sense asking me why she does it. Why scamper out the window every time the moon is full? Why flee the comforts of a warm feather bed knowing she’ll return with her gown tattered and her flesh torn to shreds? Like I said, I’m not the one to ask. I’ve never lusted for any man, and certainly not with such hearty devotion as Milady lusts for that beast she seeks to tame. If ever I had sought the rough touch of man, I might understand why she puts herself in harm’s way every second fortnight. If my inclinations were anything like hers, I wouldn’t be so quick to judge Milady. I also wouldn’t be so quick to run her bath on those nights she returns from the forest wounded but happy as a meadowlark.

She wakes me by the rustle of her skirts if I’ve fallen asleep, but it’s rare I should slumber on the nights Milady sets off into the woods. I worry about her something dreadful when she’s gone away. And I always know when she’s gone because, though it in’t the custom with proper folk, I end my day in Milady’s bedchamber.

Most girls who work in great houses share sleeping quarters with other maids. Those lodgings are far away from the family’s own rooms. I am far luckier than all those other chambermaids and servants. Me, I share a bed with the girl I adore more than anything else in the world: Milady, my love.

Visit the book's website here:

Now Available from Amazon. Keep an eye out in your local book store, and if they don't have it in stock...ask. Red Velvet and Absinthe is worth the risk. ;-)

Keywords Are Kewl...and Hilarious!

It's 3 o'clock in the morning, and what is party girl Giselle up to? Why, she's checking her blogger webstats, of course. That's just the kind of gal she is. (And, apparently, also one who refers to herself in the third person, but we'll leave that for now)

So, keyword searches, right? They make me laugh. It's pretty enlightening to see what the biggest draws are on this blog and what kinds of search terms people type into Google. In a lot of cases, I bet people aren't finding quite what they're looking for, here at Donuts & Desires, but I hope at least a few of them get hooked. (Hey, maybe YOU found me through a search engine. What do I know?)

Favourite search terms that landed web surfers here in the past few weeks:

  • ellie may clampett interracial (I think I was talking in my Beverly Hillbillies voice one time)
  • hairy legs (I can haz hairy legs--there are pictures to prove it)
  • hallmark birthday postcards (I specifically recall this post--it was about how Hallmark wouldn't let me send an e-card with the word "cunt" in the text)
  • lesbian "black lace" story or stories -$ (I wrote a story called "Black Lace and Wood" but there were no lesbians in it...and I'm sorry, but I have no $ for you)
  • lesbian knife play (Actually, yes, in my story...dang, what was that story called?...Oh right, "Waiting in Vein")
  • lesbian trans erotica (Yes, I write LOTS of that. Glad you found me!)
  • naked ugly lesbian (My lesbian eating disorder story "Ugly Naked People"?)
  • first shower sex story (Free story at Oysters & Chocolate about shower sex. What was THAT one called? Right--"Shower Fittings")
  • beach "hairy legs" (Those too...but no pics)
  • big leg fétish (They're not that big, but they are partially French, yes)
  • birthday sex (My first e-book was called "The Birthday Gift")
  • mmf erotica (Yes! I write that too! We can be friends)
  • femdom bride (I TOTALLY had some great femdom bride porn posted here, but Google AdSense suspended my account because of it, so I took it down. And do you think they ever re-instated me? Hells no! Maybe I should bring back the explicit pornography)

That was fun! Let's do this again, the next time I'm procrastinating at 3 a.m. Although, posting other people's search terms makes me a little self-conscious of my own. Maybe next time I'll post some of MY online searches, just to be fair.

Good-natured ribbing, right?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Call Me A "Sexpert" ~ Shoshanna Evers Did!

Although, I think that may be a typo and she meant for the "t" to be a "v"--I really am more perv than pert.

No, I'm kidding. Shoshanna Evers (erotic romance author, advice columnist, registered nurse, the list goes on) has put together a kick-ass collection of writing essays called "How to Write Hot Sex" and, as you'll see in the blurby below, my advice on writing fetish and niche market sex will be included. And that makes me a sexpert. As Homer would say...."Woo-hoo!"

In my essay, I've answered questions that aspiring authors have contacted me with over the years, so readers ought to find this information helpful. Also, fetish and BDSM are areas where many novice writers go very, very wrong and inadvertently represent practices and practitioners so inaccurately they get themselves blackballed by editors (it's true!) so I've provided advice on how to prevent that from happening.

"How to Write Hot Sex" has not been released yet, but stay tuned and I'll let you know when it hits the shelves.

Here’s the blurb for the upcoming book
“How to Write Hot Sex: Tips from Multi-Published Erotic Romance Authors”

This collection of essays by multi-published erotic romance authors details the art of writing sizzling hot sex scenes.

Whether you’re writing sensual, steamy, or full-on explicit sex scenes, writers can learn from the authors who write and sell sexy books for a living. Do you want to write erotica? Or an erotic romance? Perhaps you just want to add some hot sexual tension to your romance novel.
This is the book for you.

Here you’ll find essays on the art of writing smokin’ hot vanilla sex, gay sex, BDSM, kink, and ménage, as well as essays on how to find paying markets and publishers for your books and short stories.

“How to Write Hot Sex: Tips from Multi-Published Erotic Romance Authors” gives you all the information you need to write sex well and get published!

Featuring the following multi-published authors' essays:

  • L.K. Below - The Law of Attraction
  • Christine D’Abo - Boys Will Be Boys: Writing Male/Male Romance
  • Kate Douglas (NY Times bestselling author) - Writing the Fine Line Between Erotica and Porn
  • Delphine Dryden - So You Think You Can Kink?
  • Shoshanna Evers – Getting Published
  • Desiree Holt – Five Sexy Senses to Rev Up Scenes
  • Jean Johnson - Biology: The Good, The Bad, & the Sex Scene
  • Isabo Kelly - Fighting Sex
  • Cara McKenna - Real Ugly
  • Giselle Renarde - How To Write Convincing Fetish and Niche Market Sex
  • Charlotte Stein - Sexy Sentences
  • Cari Quinn - Rx for a Sagging Sex Scene

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Watch New Book Trailer: My Mistress' Thighs

I got busy with iMovie over the weekend and created this book trailer for my anthology My Mistress' Thighs: Erotic Transgender Fiction and Poetry, available as an ebook and in print:

You can also watch the video directly on my YouTube channel:

And, authors, I wonder if you could help me out. I remember people mentioning other video upload site on the Yahoo groups, etc, but I can't for the life of me remember any of their names, let alone their urls. If you know what I'm talking about, help an author out and post it in the comments?

Thank you so much!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Quick Six PRO with DC Juris (Part One)

Q: What's the most time-consuming part of a writer's life?

DC Juris: For me, it's promotion. Writing I can do anywhere, any time. But promotion takes networking, research, and blogging. Lots and lots of blogging. Oddly enough, coming up with a blog isn't as easy as writing a story. I'd much rather weave a world together.

Q: On the topic of ebook piracy, hunter or head in the sand?

DC Juris: ::sigh:: There's a lot of debate on this topic, and a lot of emotion. The way I see it - it's going to happen. I can spend hours and hours writing take down notices and sending e-mails, or I could spend my time writing. Thieves are always going to find a way to steal. I have to find a way to write.

Q: What should a writer's priority be?

DC Juris: Writing, of course. All the rest will fall into place as it does.

Q: How do you handle a bad review?

DC Juris: There's only one way to handle a bad review - chocolate and wine. LOL But seriously - reviews are opinions, good or bad. And opinion is only as important to you as you let it be.

Q: Have you ever encountered any unprofessional behaviours from editors, publishers or other writers, that they might not even realize are damaging?

DC Juris: I think people are far too unaware of how many people are watching them on the internet. People post things to Facebook, Twitter, or their blogs, and even when they leave out names, it's often not very difficult to figure out who they're talking about, with just a little Google search. I see it on Facebook all the time, especially in private groups. Authors trashing other authors, trashing publishers, or editors making comments about their authors. Which isn't to say I never bitch in public. But I leave things very, very vague.

Q: What advice do you give aspiring authors?

DC Juris: Persevere. Don't take no for an answer. Keep at it until you get it right.

We'll be back next week with more from DC Juris, author of:

DC Juris

Haunted by nightmares, Mark learned the hard way to guard his heart. But Gabe may just be the man to bring Mark’s guard down.

After his last long-term relationship ended because of his nightmares, Mark closed his heart to the possibility of finding love again. He’s certainly never considered Gabe, the orderly who works at Miller’s Retirement Home where his father lives. But there’s more to Gabe than meets the eye, and if Mark is willing to let Gabe in, he might just discover the most important buried treasure of all.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday - Red Satin, A Trans Lesbian Romance

I've been procrastinating a lot this week. I mean... A LOT. And I'll tell you why: I'm working on the third story in my "Red Satin" trilogy, a set of three transgender lesbian erotic romance e-books, which will ultimately be published together in paperback by loveyoudivine Alterotica. But the thing is... I have to actually FINISH the series before that can happen.

What's with the procrastination? Well, a lot of people really like these stories. The second is a cliff-hanger, and I've promised fireworks in the third story. The pressure's really getting to me. Crikey, writing erotica shouldn't be this stressful!

Anyhoo, all that is to say this week's Six are from the first story in the trilogy, aptly titled, "Red Satin." A little background: Regan and Maisie have known each other since they were kids, back when Maisie was Mark. Regan's so hot for this girl--in love, even if she doesn't realize it yet--but Maisie is reluctant to get involved with anyone romantically at this point in her transition.

Six Sentences from Red Satin:

Regan wrapped herself around Maisie's curves, digging her nails into the flesh at Maisie's sides, moaning into the depths of her luscious mouth.

Just as the flames of passion overwhelmed Regan's body, Maisie broke away with a startled look in her eye.

"What's wrong?" Regan asked.

Maisie chuckled nervously, touching only fingertips to her engorged lips. She shook her head and giggled. "I just don't know what I want."

Saturday, August 13, 2011

2011 Rainbow Awards: Nominations Now Being Accepted

If you're an author or publisher of LGBT fiction (including erotica) or non-fiction, you'll definitely want to check out the 2011 Rainbow Awards. Reposted with permission granted from Elisa Rolle's LiveJournal:


- The book must be published between September 2010 and August 2011 (both months included).
- Self-published books are eligible (print on demand publishers, like and Smashwords, are included in the "self-published" umbrella).
- Ebook editions of previously published print books are not eligible. First time print book editions of previously published ebooks are eligible. A book that has been republished by a different publisher after its initial publication is not eligible. A book that was previously self-published by the author, and then republished by a publisher after its initial publication is eligible.


- Books submitted for consideration will be accepted between March 15 and September 15. Winners will be announced in December.
- A book can be submitted only by its author or by its publisher. Submit a book in the category most appropriate: please indicate Gender (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual/Transgender) and Genre (Coming of Age / Young Adult, Contemporary General Fiction, Contemporary Erotica, Contemporary Romance, Fantasy, Historical, Mystery / Thriller, Paranormal / Horror, Sci-Fic / Futuristic, Non Fiction).
- The commision can include some books at their own expenses, if they are eligible, especially in those categories with not enough submissions.
- Books are submitted in electronic version (PDFs); exceptions will be considered (please contact me). Submitting the ebook, authors/publishers agree for its distribution with the only purpose of being read by the commission (from 3 to 5 judges). It's recommended but not mandatory, that the PDF file has some kind of protection, like a specific disclaimer or similar.
- No submission fees required.
- Books (PDF format) have to be sent to the following address: elisa(dot)rolle(at)libero(dot)it


- A book can be submitted in only one category. Debut Fiction is the only category allowing a "double" submission, in its own specific category, plus the Debut Fiction one.
- If a category receives fewer than five (5) submissions, the category will not be active in this awards cycle. The submitted books will be reassigned to another category if appropriate.
- Gender Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual/Transgender
- Genre Category: Coming of Age / Young Adult, Contemporary General Fiction, Contemporary Erotica, Contemporary Romance, Fantasy, Historical, Mystery / Thriller, Paranormal / Horror, Sci-Fic / Futuristic, Non Fiction
- Special Category: Debut Fiction. First time print book editions of previously published authors only in ebooks is Debut Fiction. A book that was previously self-published by the author, and then republished by a publisher after its initial publication is Debut Fiction. Debut Fiction is considered the first book in print or ebook of more of 41.000 words published as standalone.
- Length Category: Novel of more than 41,000 Words. Novellas and Short Stories will be considered only on the following conditions: Novellas (between 18,000 and 41,000 Words) only in Collection of 2 or more collected together; Short Stories (<18,000 Words) only in Collection of 4 or more collected together. A single submission has to be of more than 41.000 Words. Exception will be considered if a single category will have not enough submissions.


- Judges will start to read books in May; reading period will finish in November (included).
- Each judge will read a minimum of 5 books. Authors/Publishers/Editors will not read books in categories where a their own book is submitted.
- Each book will be judge using 4 different criteria: Plot Development, Setting Development, Characters Development and Writing Style. From 1 to 10 points for each criteria.
- Judges will receive only the ebooks they have to read. (PDF files)
- Judges will have to indicate what categories they are not comfortable to read.
- To be a judge, please contact me; Authors/Publishers/Editors/Reviewers/Readers are welcomed, if I don't know you (you are not in my friends list, we are not on the same groups,...), please provide an introduction and some sort of reference for being eligible to judge a LGBT themed book.

Permission to repost granted (and welcomed)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Call For Submissions: JMS Books

Hi Authors! Looking to place your transgender, lesbian, and gay fiction, be it erotica, romance, or YA? You might want to check out this call for subs from JMS Books:

is a small queer press specializing in GLBT erotica, romance, and young adult fiction.

We release 3 e-books a week and 4 print titles a month. All books are available electronically, and any title over 30,000 words goes into print. While we don't pay advances, we do pay authors 50% net on royalties from all sales. We sell through our own website as well as a wide distribution network to ensure we reach the largest audience possible.

Full submission guidelines are available on our website.

We are seeking queer, genre, and literary stories at least 5k and no longer than 100k in length. Reprints are accepted. We are particularly interested in GAY, LESBIAN, and TRANSGENDER stories in the following genres:

  • Action/Adventure
  • Contemporary
  • Fantasy
  • Futuristic
  • Historical
  • Horror
  • Humor/Parody
  • Interracial
  • Military/War
  • Mystery/Detective
  • Paranormal
  • Science Fiction
  • Western/Cowboy
  • Young Adult – stories aimed at readers aged 14 and up

We do not accept submissions of extreme BDSM, incest, or heterosexual, bisexual, or intergender menage erotica.

Submission Policy:

  • Electronic unsolicited submissions are accepted at any time.
  • We do not accept multiple or simultaneous submissions.
  • Submissions should include a QUERY LETTER, full SYNOPSIS, and 2,000 word EXCERPT in RTF format.
  • Submissions are acknowledged within 2 business days.
  • If we like your submission, we will request a copy of the full manuscript for review. Manuscripts must be in electronic format only. The review time is between 1-3 weeks.

Contract terms:

  • Authors earn 50% net royalties on all sales (e-book and paperback) from all distributors.
  • Contracts are for a period of 2 years and auto-renew annually.
  • We require exclusive electronic and print rights, but can negotiate if the story has been published in an anthology or collection.

Full submission guidelines are available on our website.

J.M. Snyder

A Queer Small Press

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Blushes, Alison Tyler's Spankings

I can't remember where I heard that the first name people look up when the new phone book comes in is their own. I have a suspicion it was a joke on some stupid sitcom, so it might not actually be true... but I suspect it is.

Today Alison Tyler sent me a copy of Blushers, her new anthology of erotic spanking stories. Since I'm quoted in the book, it seemed only natural to look up my name first thing. There it was, under my quote about sexy spankings: Giselle Renarde, spelled correctly and everything.

Once I was satisfied and gushy and buzzing with the knowledge that my name was there inside a compilation of Alison Tyler's spanking erotica, I figured I'd go back and start from the first page of the first story, The Hardest Part.

I've never read anything so raging with anticipation that it hitched inside of me, caught somewhere between my breast and my belly, making me want to scream out, "Just spank her" along with the character's internal pleas of, "Just spank me." Just spank her, spank her, spank her! God I wanted it so bad. I wanted it for her, but for me as well. I wanted to watch it happen. I wanted to feel it vicariously through this character's skin. She made me want it. Had nothing to do with "him"--her him, whoever he was. This wasn't about him, not for me. It was about her. It was about seeing her pretty little panties down around her ankles, her pleated skirt pushed up above her waist, her bare ass in the air and her body perched precariously over his lap. I wanted to see that spanking and feel it because, God oh God oh God, I knew it was going to be good., that was my reaction to the first page...

Seems somewhat contradictory that a proclaimed master of the erotic word can produce stories so deliciously mired in submission, but Blushers is proof positive.

Hell, the first page alone is proof positive. And there are plenty more where that came from.

Telling Our Stories, Canadian Super-Politeness, and Victim-Shaming

Yesterday I spent a couple minutes reading a brilliant article called True Tales of Street Harassment (And My Anger Issues). And then I spent...oh, probably an hour or so reading the equally brilliant comments from women who are so much like me they might actually BE me. (Imagine a whole world of Giselles! And I thought I was the only one...) It was incredibly empowering to read other women's stories of everyday harassment, and hear what they've said and done to the bastards who have verbally (or physically) assaulted them over the years.

If you've ever felt like you were the only woman out there fighting a lonesome tooth-and-nail battle against assaultive behaviour, I encourage you to read this great article at xoJane.

Because that article and all the comments attached to it reminded me of a blog post I wrote all the way back in 2008, I'm reposting it here. I called this post "Stop Saying Sorry" and it's about blaming victims and Canadian "politeness."

Stop Saying Sorry
Giselle Renarde
March 2008

We have this bizarre custom here in Canada: If somebody pushes you, shoves you, steps on your toes, YOU say sorry. Whether it’s an accident or an act of deliberate malevolence on their part, you must say sorry when you are affronted. That is part of Canada’s unspoken code of social conduct.

I do not abide by it.

I think this inability we Canadians have to stand up for ourselves feeds a more universal problem: namely, that of blaming the victim for crimes committed against her. About a year ago, I read a short article in my local paper. It was a report about a woman who had been sexually assaulted in my area. Apparently, she’d gotten off her bus and was walking home when a car slowed beside her and the driver offered her a ride. The woman said no and kept walking. The driver then got out of his car, pulled the young woman in, and raped her.

The police officer my local paper interviewed regarding this crime said the point this event should really hit home is that women need to be more vigilant about their personal safety.

When I read that article, I was irate. Why? Because of all the comments that could have been made regarding this crime, the officer uttered and the paper printed one that, albeit with a certain subtlety, blamed the victim for the assault against her. Had SHE been more vigilant, this crime may not have occurred.

And why, I ask, does this crime not “hit home” the point that men shouldn’t rape women? That tougher deterrents should be put in place? That greater police presence is required in that area? That systemic injustice is alive and well in this country? There are any number of points that could have been made. The fact that the one comment uttered and published without editorializing implies the victim ought to have done something differently in order to prevent this attack speaks volumes about police perception of crimes against women. And if police hold this general belief, how much are they really going to do to aid the victim?

As I stood waiting for my bus this morning, a woman pushed me out of her way to get by. Did I say sorry? Nope. I said, “If you want to get by, you say ‘excuse me,’ you don’t just push people.” That was rude of me, according to the Canadian code of social conduct. I got some looks – some ‘she must be crazy’ looks – but I don’t mind. It’s time for us – for Canadians, for women, for victims - to stop saying sorry for the crimes committed against us. It’s time to speak up. No apologies necessary.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Quick Six PRO with Selena Kitt

Quick Six interviews are now in their 3rd incarnation here at Donuts & Desires, with the newest installation, Quick Six Professional Edition. I figure, no matter your "product," you've got to come out with a PRO edition sooner or later. LOL So these questions focus on writing and industry. This time, I decided to ask questions I as an author was curious to hear answered.

As always, my first respondent was Selena Kitt, and so her interview starts off a new season of Quick Sixes:

Quick Six PRO with Selena Kitt

Q: What's hot on the market these days?

In erotica and erotic romance, paranormal is still going strong, in spite of predictions by many that it would wane. BDSM, M/M and Menage are also at the top sellers for us at Excessica.

Q: What's the most time-consuming part of a writer's life?

Marketing and promo. And you're usually doing it while you should be writing. My suggestion? Write FIRST. Without books, there's nothing to market. Save your promo for your down time, and do it from your phone while you're waiting at the doctor's office or at night while you're chilling and watching The Daily Show. Make WRITING your priority, because marketing and promo is a time-suck you can't afford without a plethora of books in the market.

Q: On the topic of ebook piracy, hunter or head in the sand?

Neither. I'll send take-down notices if I find someone pirating my work, if I have the time. But I don't hunt them down anymore. And believe me, I used to. It made me furious to see people trading my work as if it had no value whatsoever. But what I came to realize is that people who steal are always going to be thieves. Their moral compass is just broken. Most of them never would have purchased a book anyway. On a personal level, I think worrying about hunting them all down yourself causes far too much stress and takes way too much time away from what you should be doing - writing. Instead, I'd suggest supporting fighting piracy at a larger level - get involved in passing more stringent laws against it instead of trying to do it all on your own.

Q: How do you handle a bad review?

I thank the reviewer for their opinion. That's all a review is, in the end. You can't please everyone all of the time - but you sure can please yourself. ;)

Q: Have you ever encountered any unprofessional behaviors from editors, publishers or other writers, that they might not even realize are damaging?

Far too many to count. I've read plenty of cringe-worthy train wrecks on blogs and forums where writers can't seem to help "expressing themselves" into a hole they can't climb out of. Every writer seems to have to learn their lesson. Hopefully, they learn it early in their career and they move on. I know I learned mine. My current motto is NO DRAMA. I just don't have the time and energy for it. I don't get into arguments or debates on the Internet. I don't respond to reviews publicly, unless it's to make a factual clarification (and even that, I do very sparingly!) I don't publicly bad-mouth other writers or publishers, and I don't publicly gossip. I certainly will express my personal opinion, but I make sure to own it, and when I'm wrong or I cross a line, I apologize. As far as I'm concerned, the best thing a writer can do is remember to remain friendly, but professional, and avoid the drama at all costs.

Q: Do you find yourself writing for the market and not for YOU, or self-censoring in any way?

Since Amazon began banning "certain books," yes, I've started writing for the market and self-censoring in that way. There are things I won't publish anymore, incest being one of them. But for the most part, I write what I like. In erotica, I usually write what turns me on. Sometimes, I'll do something just to push myself, to try out something I haven't written before. For example, my first (and so far, only) gay male romance was an experiment, and Second Chance ended up winning an Epic Award. So the market has a little bit of say in what I'll write - or what I won't - but for the most part, I just try to please myself. And I admit, I do like pleasing myself. :)

Ty has been hurt by life and has sworn off relationships, but his curiosity is piqued by a motorcycle-riding hunk who comes through his Wal-Mart line and buys the same thing day after day: two Slim Jims, a sixty-four count box of crayons and Cracker Jacks. Ty’s curiosity gets the better of him and he goes out with Jonah, but Ty’s best friend, Lucky, is sure Jonah is bad news, and it does seem that both mens’ pasts threaten their future together. Will they find a second chance with one another?
Selena Kitt
eXcessica publishing