Sunday, May 26, 2024

Toronto is the Star of These Books (Well, Co-Star...)

Last week I released an ebook version of a novelette called It's Not That Complicated that was originally published in a collection of gay romances. I'd forgotten that the story was set in Toronto, and mentioned streets and intersections and locations by name. 

Got me thinking about other books I've written where Toronto takes centre stage. (As an aside, I once worked for a company with Centre in its name, and American clients would always walk through the door and say, "Your company name is spelled wrong on the sign." No, it's just spelled in Canadian English. Because this is Canada.)

Anyway, let's look at a few books that feature Toronto and surrounding areas...

The Other Side of Ruth
A Lesbian Novel
by Giselle Renarde

Ruth loves her husband, but she keeps secrets from him. Big secrets.

When a lesbian neighbour returns home from Art School, middle-aged Ruth can't deny her attraction. Agnes is quirky, creative, and significantly younger. Despite their age difference, Agnes relishes the attention Ruth pays her.

But Agnes has secrets of her own, disappearing for months at a time. Where does she go? And what emotions are brewing between Ruth’s husband and his closest friend? Everyone on the block seems to be hiding something.

After twenty-five years married to a man, will Ruth choose lust over stability? Or will young Agnes’s demons devour them both?

A lesbian novel.

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ANONYMOUS by Giselle Renarde

Hannah and her husband Nathaniel have always shared one particular fantasy—he wants to make love with another man, and she wants to watch.

When Hannah loses her job to a crumbling economy, she soon finds that an idle mind is indeed “the devil’s playground.” She latches onto the delectably naughty idea of bringing a third into the bedroom, but inviting a man they both know to join them could have far-reaching negative consequences. What they need is someone else. Someone anonymous.

After a hot night of ménage sex with a stunning escort, Hannah becomes obsessed with finding out the identity of their mystery male. Even when Nathaniel unexpectedly introduces another vibrant young man into their relationship, Hannah remains possessed by her fixation.

To what lengths will Hannah go to discover the real identity of "Mr. Anonymous?" 

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Fortune’s Diary
Series: The Lesbian Diaries
Book: 6
Word Count: 60,000
Release Date: April 1, 2021
ISBN: 9781005052164

There are three things Fortune doesn't believe in: psychics, astrology, and the possibility of ever finding a place of her own. While her mother spends money they don't have on internet tarot readers, Fortune imagines a new life with the girl of her dreams. Not that she's met the girl of her dreams... until she attends a lesbian speed-dating event and falls instantly in love with Maya. 

The problem is that Maya isn't one of the participants—she seems to be dating the event organizer. In case that isn't enough of a deterrent, Maya is also the tarot reader Fortune's mother has been spending oodles of money on! 

Why can't life ever be easy?  

Fortune would give anything to escape the drudgery of cooking and cleaning for her mother, but she doesn't believe in the business Maya is building. How can a girl who's given up on love ever find her happy-ever-after? 

Lesbian romance from award-winning queer Canadian author Giselle Renarde. 

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