Authors of lesbian erotica,
You've heard the rhetoric...I've heard the rhetoric...we've all heard the rhetoric: F/F doesn't sell.
That's what so many publishers tell us. Some won't even look at it. Well, I say let's show 'em all! Let's get our great stories of lesbian sex and romance selling like the hot little cupcakes they are!
If you've got a work of lesbian erotica or romance on the market, in print, e-book, audiobook, whatevs, this is your chance to shout it out! Leave the blurb and a buy link in the comments section, OR, do one better and email me your blurb and excerpt at gisellerenarde @ yahoo .com (no spaces) and remember that buy link! Send me the cover too, if you like!
I once saw a little cartoon with two women drinking tea and the caption said, "Lesbian Sex." Let's show 'em how hot dykes of all types can be in bed and beyond! I want to showcase lesbian erotica because, hell, I love the stuff and I know you do too.
Promo, authors!
And, readers, tell us what you want!
Bright Blessings,
Giselle Renarde
Canada just got hotter!
Lesbian erotica, you say? I've got an entire site of the stuff. Though I have had far more success with commercial publishers writing traditional heterosexual fiction, I've also published nine lesbian novellas so far in ebook form, the most recent ebook came out today as a matter of fact.
ReplyDeleteSappho's Brats is the name of my strictly F/F spanking erotica site, and there's plenty of free samples and free series to get your F/F teeth into.
Oh, and I guess whilst I'm at it I may as well leave a blurb for one of my books specifically. 'Obeying Rigel' has proved popular.
“You strut through your life, giving everyone you meet attitude. Most people probably don’t even deserve it. And you know that, but you keep doing it.
You’re waiting for someone who won’t take it. Every time you make a snarky remark or a smart ass comment, there’s part of you that wishes there was somebody around to put you firmly in your place. But there hasn’t been anyone, has there?”
Sadie’s head spun as Rigel closed the final little bit of distance between them and lowered her voice.
“Until now.”
As a gay male who mostly writes gay fiction, I feel sort of like an imposter here - but I have written a few lesbian oriented stories and 2 of them, Neighbors and Tell Them Katy Did, have been selling very well for Untreed Reads. Neither is particularly erotic - though I got a wierd review that complained about the sex in Katy. Here is the sexy part - one woman puts her hand on the other's thigh and says, "Pretty, pretty." That's it. I guess the mere idea of women touching one another freaked him out. Anyway, my point is, my experience with Untreed
ReplyDeleteReads is that f/f does sell, and Jay Hartman, the publisher, is open to more lesbian material - if anyone has something to submit. As always, I recommend checking submission guidelines and if in doubt, querying. I have found Jay receptive and easy to work with.
Hahaha...I have a very broad definition of what sex is, but I've never heard anyone say, "Oh yeah, baby, give me some hot hand-on-thigh action!"
ReplyDeleteAnd Jay...yes, I love Jay! My lesbian eating disorder short "Ugly Naked People" is published by Untreed Reads and I can attest Jay is amazing and their distribution list is second to none!
I have a newly released Vampire novel who's main theme is M/F, but there are scenes of F/F, F/F/M. I hope this is acceptable here.
ReplyDeleteThis is an R rated excerpt.
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Looking down, she asks, “Allie, are you the jealous type? I mean some of the things we teach.”
I interrupt. “Bryan is the one you should be asking this. I’ve been told about what we must do to survive. I can live with it.”
“Being told and doing are two different things. Can you live with your husband playing with my sisters? What about you?” she asks sharply, as she unzips her uniform top. I’m staring at two very large, symmetrical, cream-colored, breasts that ride high on her chest with just a little bit of sagging. Her aureoles are several shades darker, about four inches in diameter and about three inches from the bottom of her breast. Her nipples are large, at least an inch in diameter and they stick out just as far. “What you got, Allie, a 38 D cup? I’m a 36 F girlfriend and they are real. Many a vampire has sunk a fang in them. Go ahead and feel them, suck on my nipples, play with them. Pop your fangs and bite my sisters. We got plenty of time. I don’t mind, really. In fact, I want you to, no I insist that you do and use both of your hands.”
I reach out and slide my fingers under her breasts and place my thumbs on her nipples as I raise them up for a second. They are soft, silky smooth and heavy. I run my hands all over her sisters and end up massaging her areoles. Her nipples react by becoming longer and harder. I’m surprised how much I enjoy playing with her fully erect nipples. I’m feeling like I want to do more than rub them. I want to suck on them. I feel my nipples start to get hard. I comment as I trace the edge of her areola with a finger. “Not bad for an older woman. You have very good-looking sisters.”
“You got that right girlfriend. I take real good care of them and now it’s your turn, so quit stalling. Play rough with the girls, they can handle it. Suck on them, they want it. Sink your fangs in them, and take some of my blood from them. You need it. This is what it’s all about, Allie. I know you want my body. I know you want to suck on my sisters. That’s what breasts are for. I have the kind of breasts that turn both men and women on. You’re beginning to produce your sex pheromone and that tells me that you want this body and once you release it, and you have, there’s no fighting it. It’s turning us both on. Think about this, sooner or later, you’ll have to use a woman. So start with my girls and then be sure you finish the job, do me, now.”
“But my husband is right here.”
“Doesn’t matter, He’s out and doesn’t know a thing.” I move closer and lift one of her breasts to my mouth and suck her entire areola into my mouth. Her breast does taste good. This isn’t so bad. I can do this. I begin to suck on her teat in earnest. I wonder if my breasts taste this good to Bryan. I feel my fangs drop. She gasps a they pierce her nipple and the edge of her areola. I begin to suck. Her blood tastes a lot better than the bagged blood I had earlier, but it has a different flavor from Bryans. “That’s right girl, bite them tits, and suck on them hard. Don’t forget I have another one and when you’re finished with my sisters you can go down on me.” She laughs. “Make me horny.” I change breasts after a couple of minutes. I’m nicer to her this time. I sink my fangs on either side of her nipple. I’m starting to get turned on.
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As I said It's F/F foreplay and a teaser. I hope you enjoy my post and you can check out "A Vampire's Love." at www.xoxopublishing.com
G W Pickle
Unfortunately the mantra ff doesn't sell well, but I have a feeling that's about to change. I have several stories with ff elements and two of them, Getting Naked at the Hilton and By the Book end in permanent ffm relationships. My only solo girl love story, Tattoos is a consistent enough seller to make it worth while. A current WIP, The Photographer is half complete and should be available in a couple months. I will email an excerpt and the cover.
ReplyDeleteI've got two novels and a host of short stories -- all F/F. I love writing the discovery by a woman of another woman's touch... to her heart and her body. Turning Point and Turn for Home are my novels, and I have spicy little shorts in Feeldoe Fantasy, Premises, and more: http://lzfiction.net/pub.html
ReplyDeleteI have F/F short stories in two published anthologies and two more on the way!
ReplyDeleteTo Love and To Cherish is a collection of Lesbian Love Stories published last Valentines Day at Love You Divine and edited by Lara Zielinsky and Beth Wylde - all profits are donated to Marriage Equality USA. Here's the buy link:
Torquere released an F/F Toy Box Anthology in July: Painted Ladies, with stories by myself, Beth Wylde and Kissa Starling:
upcoming releases are coming at PD Publishing (edited by Beth Wylde and Kissa Starling, a Sapphic Planet collection) and another at Torquere, a twelve month series "Saphic Signs," also a Sapphic Planet project.
Adriana Kraft
Painted Ladies...that makes me think of the body painting scene in "Better than Chocolate." (although I never could believe that any mother would find a box of sex toys, assume they belonged to her daughter, and then power one up and go at herself with it. But, hey, anything's possible.)
ReplyDeletePardon the aside. I could be waaaaaay off on that one...maybe I should lock up my sex toys when my mom comes to visit. LOL.
My anthology, Where the Girls Are (Cleis Press) was a Lambda Literary Award Finalist this year. You can find it on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Where-Girls-Are-Lesbian-Erotica/dp/1573443530/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1283064624&sr=1-2) and in bookstores everywhere.
ReplyDeleteHere's part of the back cover blurb:
Where the Girls Are sets a higher standard for lesbian erotica. In Jessica Lenox's "A is for Apple," the new girl in town learns "b is for bondage" when she gets the education of a lifetime. Charlotte Dare's meltingly hot "The Critic," shows how city chicks do it so right, and sparks fly in Evan Mora's "Electricity," when a country girl walks into a bar and discovers true bliss underneath a cocky butch.
I saw "Where the Girls Are" on the bookstore shelf just yesterday!